How to Find and Follow Your Instagram Friends on Threads

Are you using Themes but having trouble connecting with your Instagram friends? Or have you tried searching but can’t find your Instagram friends on Threads? Look no further. In this article, we will show you how to quickly and efficiently find and follow your Instagram friends on Threads.

Find and follow your Instagram friends

Before we dive into the steps, you must know that you can still find and follow Instagram users on Threads even if they have not joined the platform. The only catch is that the following will only happen once they enter the platform. Additionally, you can find and follow someone on a Thread in several ways. Let us guide you through it all.

Note: If you want to know more about Meta’s new app, Themes, Twitter-like functionality, check out our in-depth article on What Instagram Themes are and how to use it.

Method 1: Follow your friends on Instagram while setting up a theme account

Once you’ve downloaded the Themes app and set up your account, the platform will walk you through the steps to follow known accounts. Follow up.

Step 1: Once you start setting up your Themes account, the app will take you to the section ‘Follow the same accounts you follow on Instagram?’ screen. Here you will see a list of friends you follow on Instagram available for you to follow on Threads.

Step 2: Scroll through the list of users and tap the Follow button next to the account you want to follow on the Thread.

Note: You may see a Follow or Request button depending on whether the person you follow has a public or private account.

tap the Follow button next to it

Step 3: If you can’t find your friend/account on Thread, use the Search option to search for the name or username of someone you want to follow.

Search option to search someone's name

Step 4: If you don’t want to manage your followers, use the Follow All button to follow everyone at once. In the pop-up window, select Confirm.

Follow all button

That’s it. Once you’ve finished following your friends or account from Instagram on Threads, tap Next and complete the Thread setup process. Check out the next method if you’ve already passed this initial setup.

Also Read: Twitter vs Instagram Threads: What’s the Difference

Method 2: Find friends on IG from Theme Settings

This method allows you to connect with your Instagram friends easily. Follow the steps below.

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Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Profile tab in the bottom right corner.

Navigate to the Profile tab

Step 2: Click the Hamburger icon in the top right corner. You will be taken to the Settings screen. Here, tap the ‘Follow and Invite Friends’ option.

Tap the Hamburger icon

Step 3: In the Follow and invite friends screen, select ‘Follow accounts from Instagram.’ On the next screen, scroll through the list of accounts and tap the Follow button next to the account you want to follow.

tap the Follow button next to it

Your go. You have successfully followed your colleague from Instagram on Threads. If you only want to follow Instagram friends who have followed you on Threads, move on to the next method.

Method 3: Use Thread Profile and Find Instagram Friends

Finding and following someone from your profile screen is simple and easy. Follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Profile tab in the bottom right corner.

Navigate to the Profile tab

Step 2: Tap the number of followers below your username in the Profile screen and go to Follow from the bottom page.

Note: If you don’t have any followers you will see 0 followers mentioned, tap that and proceed with the steps below.

Tap the number of followers below

Step 3: Click on the View All option at the top section. You will be taken to the ‘Follow the same accounts you follow on Instagram?’ screen.

Step 4: Scroll through the list of users and tap the Follow button next to the account you want to follow on the Thread.

Note: You may see a Follow or Request button depending on whether the person you follow has a public or private account.

Tap the View All option

Step 5: If you can’t find your friends on Threads, use the Search option to find the name or username of someone you want to follow.

Search option to search someone's name

Step 6: If you don’t want to manage your followers, use the Follow All button to follow everyone at once. In the pop-up window, select Confirm.

Follow all button

That’s about it. You’ve found your friends or family members from Instagram on Threads and successfully followed them.

Also read: Tips and tricks to use Themes like a pro

Method 4: Follow someone from the theme activity screen

Like Instagram, the Themes app also has an Activity screen that gives you updates on your account interactions, other activities, and notifications. We will use this screen to find and follow friends on Instagram. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Heart icon in the bottom navigation bar.

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Navigate to the Heart icon

Step 2: In the Activity screen, scroll down and go through accounts. If you see someone you want to follow, tap the Follow button next to their username.

tap Follow next to their username

If your account is private, you may not be able to find users who have followed you directly because you need to accept their requests first. Continue with the steps below.

Step 3: In the Activity screen, go to the Requests tab and from the list of people who have submitted their follow request, tap the Confirm button next to the username to add them to your follower list.

Note: You can directly confirm the request from the Activity screen without adding the Request filter. We have proven, because you can have many notifications.

go to the Requests tab

Once you approve the request, depending on the account type, you can go ahead and follow or request to follow the account. That’s it! You followed someone from Instagram on Threads using Activity Monitor.

Method 5: Find and follow Instagram friends using search page

Like any other social platform, even Themes allows you to search and follow your Instagram friends and family. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Search icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Navigate to the Search icon

Step 2: Tap the Search bar and enter the Instagram name or username of the account you want to connect to. From the list of search results, tap the Follow button next to the account you want to follow.

Note: If you don’t remember your friend’s username or the account you want to connect to, you can go to Instagram, copy the username, and paste it into a Thread.

search option

There you have it. You have effectively added your Instagram friends to your watchlist. If this method requires back-and-forth, see the next method.

Also read: Easy way to merge Instagram accounts

Method 6: Ask your Instagram friends to share thread profiles

If the above methods don’t help, you can ask your friends to share their Topics profiles, or you can share yours for quick access. Follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Profile tab in the bottom right corner.

Navigate to the Profile tab

Step 2: In the profile tab, tap the Share Profile button and from the Share panel select the app with which you want to share your profile.

tap the Share Profile button

When you get the link, tap it. It will redirect you to your friend’s Threads profile or your friends to your Threads profile for a quick follow-up.

That said, all of the above methods are for finding and following Instagram users on Threads. What if you want to unfollow someone on a Thread? We’ve got you covered.

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How to unfollow a friend on a thread

Step 1: Launch the Themes app on your Android or iOS device. Navigate to the Profile tab in the bottom right corner.

Navigate to the Profile tab

Step 2: Under Profile, tap the number of followers below your username and go to the Follows section.

Tap the number of followers below

Step 3: You will see a list of accounts that you follow. Tap the Following button next to the account you want to unfollow.

Click the Follow button

That’s it. You have successfully unfollowed an account on Threads. Please note that unfollowing your Thread account does not affect your Instagram following.

If you have any questions that we missed in this article, check out the FAQs section below.

FAQ about Find your Instagram friends on Threads

1. Are my Instagram friends automatically added as contacts in the Themes app or do I need to add them manually?

No, your Instagram friends are not automatically added as contacts in the Themes app. However, you can easily find and follow them by logging into Threads with your Instagram account or following one of the many methods mentioned in this article.

2. Can I invite my Instagram friends to a Thread?

Yes, you can invite your Instagram friends to join Themes by sharing a link to download the app, sending them a direct message on Instagram, or simply sharing your Thread profile for them to download and follow you on the platform.

3. How do I know who’s following me on Threads?

You can see who’s following you on Threads by going to your profile in the bottom right corner and tapping the Followers button. You will see a list of all the people who are following you.

Bind to your tribe

Now that you know how to find and follow your Instagram friends on Threads, you can quickly find and connect with them and build a meaningful and engaging community. Happy stream! You may also want to read how to delete your Instagram account.

Categories: How to

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