How to Get Disintegration (Dispersion) Effect on Snapseed

It wouldn’t be wrong to call Snapseed the father of every photo editing app on Android. From simple edits like adjusting exposure to creating double exposures or creating color floats, this app makes photo editing like a walk.

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Snapseed can also apply a disintegration or dispersion effect normally limited to Adobe Photoshop and other desktop tools.

If you know how to use image editing tools, you must know that this effect can be easily created with apps like PicsArt. While shortcuts can sometimes look tempting, let me tell you that creating something from scratch pays off.

Since there aren’t any filters and effects available for dispersion, we found a few tools to achieve that.


Since Snapseed doesn’t have a dedicated dispersion brush, you’ll need to get another image with the scatter particles and place it on top of the base image. Search for scattered particles on any web page for archival images.

Now that we have the events set up, let’s get this started.

How to create a disintegration effect on Snapseed

While it’s not easy to apply an effect with a single tap, we’re outlined two ways to achieve it.

Method 1: Change the color palette of the image

Step 1: Launch Snapseed and open the image. It is recommended that you take a black and white portrait on your first attempt. Next, tap Style and select Accentuate to highlight the theme.

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Step 2: Select Tools > Curve and select the RGB option from the bottom ribbon.

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This will show a curve. Now, slide the curve down to the right corner. Once done, select Brightness from the bottom ribbon and drag the curve down again.

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This will make your image go black. Don’t panic. Rest assured, we are on the right track. Tap the tick icon in the bottom right corner to apply the current effects.

Step 3: Now select Undo > View Edit and touch Curve > Brush and keep at 100, paint over the image where you want to apply the dispersion effect.

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This step only applies the RGB and Luminance effects to the part of the image that you have touched. Click the tick icon when done.

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Step 4: After completing the above steps, take a step back. Choose Tools > Double Exposure and select the image with scattered particles. Place it carefully over the area you just created in the previous step.

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Click the second icon, select Add and save the current effects.

Again, tap the Undo button and select View edits. Choose an exposure of 100 and swipe your finger over the black area.

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Slowly move towards the interior of the image by lowering the exposure values ​​as you move inward. When you are satisfied with the image, tap the tick icon and see the magic.

How to create a disintegration effect on Snapseed 6Pro tips

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can go back and correct it by adjusting the exposure level.

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Image editing is not an easy job. Therefore, the first few attempts may not yield the desired effect. It will only get better with practice.

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Method 2: Changing Exposure

Let me say this first: this method is a bit complicated and can take a lot of practice before you achieve satisfactory results.

As we mentioned above, this requires experimenting with the exposure of the image and works better on black and white images.

Step 1: Once you have the image open in Snapseed, tap Tools > Brush > Exposure and set the exposure to -1. Now touch the parts of the image where you want to put the dispersion effects. Once done, tap the bookmark icon.

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Repeat this process until you achieve the desired black color.

Step 2: Now go back to the main menu and choose Double Exposure from Tools. Place the image on top of the highlighted area. Click to save the current effects.

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Now it’s time to undo the effects little by little. Select View edits and keep the brush value at 100, carefully applying double exposure effects on top of the second image, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Similar to the first method, you have to play between high and low levels. It’s quite a lot. Now go back to see the magic of your first image with the scatter effect.

Pro tips

Decimation begins?

This method won’t get you Photoshop-grade dispersion effects, but it should at least get you started. With a little patience and understanding of how tools work, you can create wonders with Snapseed. From colorful hair to enhanced black and white images, it lets you play with everything.

What is your favorite Snapseed feature? Have you tried Drama effect on date photo? Try it and let us know about your experiments.

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Categories: How to

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