How to Enable Sleeping Tabs in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is notorious for memory management issues. If your PC or laptop has low RAM and you have many tabs open at the same time, chances are high that you can stare at a blank screen for long periods of time. Naturally, this slows down your work as you will need to close other unimportant tabs to continue your work.

How to enable sleep tab in Google Chrome 3

One of the best workarounds to overcome an overloaded Chrome browser is to enable the sleep tab. Similar to sleeping apps on Android phones, sleeping browser tabs reduce memory usage. This allows you to use the free memory for other important work. And when you need that tab again, you can click it to wake it up. Cool, right?

While Chrome doesn’t have native features, it does allow you to tweak the flags to enable sleep tabs. In addition, Chrome has some nifty extensions that help you manage your open tabs in a better way. So don’t forget to read to the end.

If you want seamless performance on Google Chrome, here’s how you can enable sleep tabs in Google Chrome for the web.

How to enable sleep tab in Google Chrome

As noted earlier, the Chrome flag is an experimental feature and allows you to tweak your browser beyond factory settings. They are included in the Chrome build and are fairly straightforward to access.

Since these are experimental features, we recommend that you save your work before proceeding.

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Step 1: Open Chrome and type the following in the address bar:


Step 2: Here, you will see a long line of flags. Search for Freeze and the aforementioned configuration will be displayed.

How to enable sleep tab in Google Chrome 1

Now all you need to do is click on the drop-down list next to it and select Enabled.

Step 3: Restart the browser for the change to take effect.

Once done, Chrome will freeze the tabs when it detects inactivity. In the meantime, it will free up resources and will prevent your browser from shutting down.

The good thing is that Chrome freezes tabs even if you have a high-spec laptop to keep the system running smoothly in the long run.

Said tab will re-sync with the server when you click on it

Note: This is an experimental feature and may be removed in future updates.

In addition to the Freeze Flag mentioned here, the Chrome Web Store also has many extensions that require hibernation or sleep of open tabs.

However, some of these extensions have bugs. Additionally, there have been reports of malware in The Great Suspender extension. Therefore, for now, simply activating the flag would be a wise decision.

Better tab management

If you have a habit of opening multiple tabs at once, you may want to better manage them, and extensions will let you do that.

From saving a list of open tabs with a URL to only allowing you to open a fixed number of tabs, these extensions offer some cool features.

1. Best friend session

Session Buddy is one of the popular session managers. As the name suggests, it gives you key information about all the open tabs on your Chrome browser.

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You can have the same set of tabs in Chrome even after shutting down your laptop.

Using it is super simple. Once you have the extension installed, open a new tab and click on the extension icon.

2 How to enable sleep tab in Google Chrome

This will show you a list of all open tabs in the current window and other windows. Now all you need to do is select the current window and click Save.

Next time you need tabs, select the saved session and hit the Open button. Cool, right?

2. Melon

Having too many tabs open can make the browser look cluttered and even confuse the end user. If you can’t find your open tabs, then Tabby is an extension that you should definitely use.

It pauses tabs when you open more than the specified number of tabs on your browser. Using it is very simple and easy. It gives you two modes to choose from— Focus Mode and Relax Mode.

How to enable sleep tab in Google Chrome 2

Focus mode lets you have only 5 tabs open at a time, while Relax lets you open up to 12 tabs. Of course, you can customize the number of tabs to your liking via the third option.

Tab go

Chrome has come a long way over the past few years and has solved RAM management issues. If your system can handle it, you can use the built-in Tab Search function at the top (small arrow) to search for open tabs.

Categories: How to

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