Your Post Goes Against Our Community Guidelines Instagram (How to Fix)

Recently, you received this error, “Your post violates our Community Guidelines on Instagram” when you tried to post something on Instagram?

This may confuse you as your post may not violate Instagram’s community guidelines.

Furthermore, you may have something important to post but the error message prevents you from doing so.

So how do you fix this?

This article will show you how to fix and prevent the error.

By the end of the article, you’ll know what to do if you get the error message again.

Let’s go straight to it.

What is the error “Your post violates our Community Guidelines on Instagram”?

Your post violates our community guidelines

An error message will be displayed if Instagram detects that your post violated one or more of their community guidelines.

Sometimes the error message is a glitch.

In most cases, Instagram’s AI fails and falsely detects that your post violated their community guidelines.

As you can see in the photo above, the post is for illustrative purposes only.

It does not contain any graphic images. However, the post is being deleted by Instagram.

If that happens, the fault is not on you but on Instagram’s side.

A lot of Instagram users experience this problem, so you are not alone.

So how do you fix this?

Move on to the next section to learn more.

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How to fix the error?

Before I go into the details, please note that this error can be linked to the “Cannot create theme” error.

If you can’t send someone a direct message, you might not be able to post something either.

To fix the error, you will have to wait. It can last for several hours or up to 24 hours.

Bugs will eventually be removed, so be patient and avoid posting anything during that period.

Unfortunately, the only practical solution to the “Your post violates our Community Guidelines” error is to wait.

This error is caused by the cooling process and will be fixed when the timer reaches 0.

It can last from a few hours to 24 hours.

But don’t worry, the bug will eventually be removed.

You’ll have to be patient and try not to post anything during that period.

Why do I receive an error?

There are two reasons for the error.

These are AI-detected content.

First, you may have posted something that violates Instagram’s guidelines.

AI has detected that photos may contain violence, self-injury or nudity, etc.

If you post something that goes against Instagram’s guidelines, your post will automatically be removed or banned.

Basically, the shadow ban hides your posts from new people.

Second, the AI ​​may have mistakenly detected your post as objectionable and removed it automatically.

If that’s the case, the only way to fix this is to not post for 24 hours.

Instagram support is almost non-existent so trying to contact them is a waste of time.

How to prevent errors?

Usually, the “Your post violates our Community Guidelines” error is a glitch, and there’s not much you can do to prevent it.

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However, as mentioned in the previous sections, this error can be related to the ‘Cannot create theme’ error.

This means you can’t be blocked from taking action in the first place.

However, if the error message is not a glitch, follow these instructions to prevent it.

1. Do not post copyrighted content

Only share photos that you own.

Only share photos and videos that you have taken or have permission to share.

Do not post anything that you have stolen from the internet because it does not belong to you.

2. Inappropriate content is not allowed

Nudity is not allowed on Instagram.

Do not share nudity on Instagram. However, nudity in statues or paintings is allowed.

If you post nude photos, your post will be deleted and your account may be banned from tracking.

3. Comply with the law

Instagram prohibits you from selling illegal products or services.

The sale or promotion of illegal products or services is prohibited.

In addition, you cannot promote anything illegal on this platform.


Instagram’s goal is to foster a safe place for inspiration and expression.

Their implementation of AI and algorithms aims to reduce inappropriate content and spam, but it also creates side effects.

Examples of these effects are frequent shadow bans, action blocks, and inappropriate photo and video detection errors.

As a result, large Instagram accounts benefit as they have the ability to influence their followers to mass report on a smaller account.

These issues on Instagram need to be addressed directly to prevent further maliciousness and abuse within the platform.

Anyway, this is in the hands of the company and depends only on its users.

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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