How to Change Your Explore Page on Instagram

Do you want to change your discovery page on Instagram?

Maybe your discovery page is full of posts that you’re not interested in.

Or maybe you want to change it so that it shows a specific segment.

Either way, there are several ways you can use to change or reset your discovery page.

In this article, you will learn 7 simple steps to change your discovery page on Instagram.

Using these ways, you can dramatically change the type of posts displayed on it.

How to change your discovery page on Instagram

To change your discovery page on Instagram, you need to use the “Not interested” option, unsave saved posts, unfollow users you are not interested in, and save posts of interest.

In addition, you can follow other people who are interested, like photos with specific hashtags, and dislike certain posts.

Instagram sorts your discovery page based on the posts you interact with in the app.

Therefore, if you want to change or reset, you need to change your interactions on the app using the 7 ways listed below.

  1. Option not interested
  2. Unsave Saved Posts
  3. Unfollow users you are not interested in
  4. Save posts of interest
  5. Follow others who are interested
  6. Like photos with specific hashtags
  7. Unlike some articles

1. Don’t care option

How to change your discovery page on Instagram

The first way to change your discovery page on Instagram is to use the “Not interested” option.

The “Not Interested” option gives you the ability to change the posts displayed on your discovery page.

If you want to see fewer posts on your discovery page, you can select the “Not interested” option.

The “Not interested” option will show fewer posts like the one you used.

If you happen to come across a post that you are not interested in, you can select “Not interested”.

This will reduce similar posts on your discover page.

For example, if you happen to see a lot of citations on your feed, you can select “Not interested” if you want to remove them.

After you select “Not Interested” on multiple citation posts, the citations will show up less on your discovery page.

Here’s how you can use preferences on Instagram:

  1. Navigate to a post you don’t like on your discovery page.
  2. Tap the three-dot icon.
  3. Select “Not interested” to show fewer posts.

After you select “Not Interested” on a post on your discovery page, you’ll start to see it less often.

Make sure to refresh your explore page every time to check if that post type is still there.

Do this as many times as you can until the post type disappears from your discovery page.

However, if you still see the same post type after selecting “Not Interested” in a lot of those posts, you need to use the other methods below.

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The “Not Interested” option is just one way to change your Explore page.

You’ll need to use multiple methods if you want to completely change or reset the post type on your Explore page.

2. Unsave Saved Posts

How to unsave a post on Instagram

One of the elements of Instagram in managing your discovery page is from the posts you’ve saved.

If you ever want to reset your discovery page, one way to do so is to unsave all your saved posts.

You may have saved a lot of articles in the past but forgot about them.

If you want Instagram to stop “recommending” discovery posts based on what you’ve saved, you can unsave all of your saved posts.

Your discovery page may be like that because of your saved posts.

You may have saved a lot of articles in the past but forgot about them.

For example, if you’ve saved a lot of meme posts in the past, the meme will be “recommended” in your discovery page.

While you may have been interested in memes in the past, they may no longer be of interest to you.

If you want your discovery page to show fewer memes, you’ll have to unsave all meme posts you’ve saved.

Here’s how you can find and unsave your saved Instagram posts:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the menu.
  2. Tap Saved.
  3. Tap All Posts.
  4. Find posts that you are not interested in and unsave it.

If you unsave all of your saved posts, Instagram will stop “recommending” posts on the discovery page based on what you’ve saved.

So it’s best to unsave only the posts you’re not interested in, but not all of them.

This will prevent Instagram from showing posts you’re not interested in on your discovery page.

3. Unfollow users you don’t care about

Unfollow on Instagram

Unfollowing users you don’t care about is another way to change your Instagram discovery page.

If you don’t like what someone posts, you can unfollow them.

You can change your discovery page by unfollowing users whose content you are not interested in.

By unfollowing users, the type of content they post will be less visible in your discovery page.

For example, if you’re following multiple users who post photos, your discovery page will contain photos.

On the other hand, if you’re following a lot of users who post dogs, your discovery page will contain dogs.

With that said, you can change the posts on your discovery page by changing who you follow.

Let’s say you don’t like taking pictures anymore.

Go to your watch list and unfollow people who are posting photos.

After you unfollow users who post photos of themselves, the photos will be shown less often in your discovery page.

You can do the same for all the niches you don’t like until you only follow users who post content that interests you.

4. Save posts of interest

Save Instagram post

Saving posts that interest you can change the post type in your discovery page.

Instagram uses a variety of factors to organize your discovery page, and one of them is based on the posts you’ve saved.

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Instagram will recommend posts on your discovery page based on the posts you’ve saved, among many others.

If you’ve seen posts in your discovery page before, you may have stumbled across the phrase “based on posts you’ve saved”.

If you see the phrase “based on posts you’ve saved” under a post’s caption, it’s suggested based on one or more of the posts you’ve saved.

To change your discovery page, you can only save posts that interest you.

For example, if you want your discovery page to contain dogs, you can save posts that contain dogs.

Save as many posts that include dogs as you can and your discovery page will start to feature dog pictures and videos.

To save a post, simply tap the “Bookmarks” icon below it.

When you save a post, you can find it in your saved posts from the menu.

Compared to method 2, if you happen to find saved posts that you are no longer interested in, you can unsave it.

This will ensure that the discover page only recommends the specific post type you’ve saved.

5. Follow other people who are interested

How to follow on Instagram

Instagram also sorts your discovery page based on who you follow.

You’ll know this if there’s a post on your discovery page with the phrase “Based on the accounts you follow”.

Instagram also recommends posts based on who you follow.

To change your discovery page, you need to change who you follow.

For example, if you’re following multiple meme accounts, your discovery page will contain more memes.

On the other hand, if you’re following multiple fitness accounts, your discovery page will contain more fitness posts.

So if you want to change your discovery page to a certain niche, you can follow more similar accounts.

That being said, you should only follow accounts that interest you.

If you’re following accounts with different niches, your discovery page will be everywhere.

It’s best to follow accounts that interest you so that your discovery page contains only posts in a handful of niches.

6. Like photos with specific hashtags

Instagram art hashtags

Another way for Instagram to sort posts on your discovery page is based on posts you’ve liked.

When you like more posts from a particular segment, similar posts on that segment will be shown more often in your discovery page.

Suggested posts based on what you like will be designated as “Based on photos you like” under the post’s caption.

To change your Instagram discovery page, you can like more posts with specific hashtags.

Also, you can like a lot of posts in the same niche.

For example, if you like fitness posts, try liking fitness related posts.

You can also search for fitness hashtags on Instagram and like the posts there.

Here’s how you can do this:

  1. For example, if you like fitness posts, search for the hashtag # #fitness on Instagram.
  2. Like the top posts for hashtags.
  3. Search for other fitness-related hashtags (e.g. #gym, #workout) and like the top posts there.
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Once you’ve liked more fitness posts, Instagram will start showing you more fitness posts in your explore page.

7. Dislike some posts

Instagram posts you've liked

If you want to change your discovery page on Instagram, you need to unlike some posts.

Instagram pulls a history of your liked posts when managing your discovery page.

You may have liked posts in the past that you are no longer interested in.

To prevent Instagram from suggesting posts you don’t like, you need to unlike posts that you’re no longer interested in.

For example, if you’ve liked a lot of memes in the past, the meme will be suggested in your discovery page.

To get rid of them, you need to dislike the meme posts you liked in the past.

Otherwise, memes will still be suggested in your discover page based on the posts you’ve liked.

Here’s how you can find and unlike your liked posts:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the menu.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Tap Posts you’ve liked.
  4. Scroll down and uncheck the post type you’re no longer interested in.

After you unlike a certain type of post (e.g. meme), they will be shown less often in your discovery page.

It is important that you also check the history of liked posts.

This is because you may have forgotten the type of content you enjoyed in the past.

If that’s the case, you can unlike them if you’re no longer interested in those types of content.


Instagram sorts your discovery page based on your interactions in the app.

To change it, you need to change the way you interact with different post types.

For example, liking or saving specific post types will show more posts on the discover page.

On the other hand, if you don’t like a particular post type, try not to interact with it.

This means disliking, commenting, or saving the type of post you’re not interested in.

Additionally, the type of people you follow has an impact on the posts shown in your discover page.

At the end of the day, changing the way you interact on Instagram changes the type of post in your discovery page.

So if you want to change your discovery page, you have to change your interactions on Instagram.

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Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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