How to Edit the Font and Comment When Tracking Changes in Microsoft Word

With online collaboration now the norm, keeping track of shared files is becoming increasingly important. An example of a collaboration tool that can undergo several changes by different authors is Microsoft Word. Tracking changes to Microsoft Word files ensures users know the changes are made and collaborators are held accountable.

Microsoft Word has a feature that allows users to track changes to a document. This feature is called Track Changes and comes with Microsoft Word 2013 and later. With this feature, users can change the tracking changes made to the document using a specific font style, size, or color. All these ensure that you visualize the edits better. Here’s how to edit fonts while tracking changes in Microsoft Word.

Change font color

The steps below will show you how to change the font color of changes made in a document when using Track Changes in Microsoft Word.

Step 1: On your PC, click the Start menu and search for Word.

Step 2: Click on the Word application from the result or the Word document you need to track changes.

Step 3: On the Word document, navigate to the Ribbon and click the Review tab.

Step 4: Click the Dialog Launcher at the bottom right of the Watch Group in the Ribbon.

Step 5: Click Advanced options in the pop-up dialog.

Step 6: Choose a new color for the different tracking options available. These options include:

  • erase
  • Insert
  • Text movement
  • Comments (Note that the color affects the Caption Shadow Border, not the Comment Text).
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Word chooses a different color for each collaborator in the document when you select By Author.

Step 7: Click OK after selecting your preferred color options to close Advanced Options.

Step 8: Close the Track Changes dialog box.

Change comment style

Changing the font style is one of many formatting options you can apply to Track Changes fonts. The steps below will guide you through the process:

Step 1: On your PC, click the Start menu and search for Word.

Step 2: Click on the Word application from the result or the Word document you need to track changes.

Step 3: On the Word document, click the Home option in the top left corner.

Step 4: Move your mouse pointer to the bottom right of the Styles group and click the Style dialog launcher.

Step 5: Click Manage Styles.

Step 6: Click on the Edit tab of the new window.

Step 7: Click the drop-down menu next to Sort Order and select Alphabetical order.

Step 8: In the ‘Select style to edit’ menu, click Comment Text.

To change the font size of the bubble text, Office 365 users must select Bubble Text in Word, not Comment Text – this change is rolling out in 2020.

Step 9: Click Modify.

Step 10: On the Modify Style dialog box, click the drop-down menu under Format.

Step 11: Choose a new font style from the options.

Step 12: Click OK after selecting your chosen font style.

Step 13: Click OK in the Manage Styles dialog box.

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Change Size and Color Comments

The process of changing the font size and color is very similar to the process of changing the font style. Check out the steps below to adjust your font size in Track Changes in Microsoft Word:

Step 1: On your PC, click the Start menu and search for Word.

Step 2: Click on the Word application from the result or the Word document you need to track changes.

Step 3: On the Word document, click the Home option in the top left corner.

Step 4: Move your mouse pointer to the bottom right of the Styles group and click the Style dialog launcher.

Step 5: Click Manage Styles.

Step 6: Click on the Edit tab of the new window.

Step 7: Click the drop-down menu next to Sort Order and select Alphabetical order.

Step 8: In the ‘Select style to edit’ menu, click Comment Text.

Step 9: Click Modify.

Step 10: On the Modify Style dialog box, click the second drop-down menu under Format to change the font size. To change the font color, click the third drop-down menu.

Step 11: Click OK after selecting your chosen font size and color.

Step 12: Click OK in the Manage Styles dialog box.

Track changes

That’s how to edit fonts when tracking changes in Microsoft Word. It’s important to note that leaving comments on a Word document also helps other collaborators keep track of your thoughts as you make changes.

Categories: How to

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