How to Download Instagram Comments Easily

Whether you are a regular Instagram user, a brand promoter and marketer, or maybe you are an influencer, you may need to download Instagram comments. Regardless of use or not, you may want to back them up before they disappear. There could be many reasons behind that.

How to download Instagram comments

Let’s say you are interacting with another user, friend or foe and want to keep track of what he/she said and when so that when they delete your comment you will have a similar record .

Or maybe you’re an influencer and want to collect this valuable data for further analysis, so you know which types of updates/photos get the most comments. Also, what kind of comments are you getting in general. Whatever your reason, there are ways to download Instagram comments for your perusal.

1. Microsoft Flow

If you’ve ever used IFTTT or Zapier online, or even the ever-great Tasker app on your Android, then you know what Flow is. A simple tool for automating workflow across applications and online services.

Saving Instagram comments to Excel is a useful Procedure that allows you to save all the comments on your Instagram posts in an Excel sheet. Not only that, once set up, it will update the sheet daily with all new comments posted in the last 24 hours or whatever time you set.

Download Instagram comments 1

Follow the link shared below and sign in or sign up for your Microsoft account. Once logged in, the app will redirect you to the Flow template. Sign in to your Instagram account with the link to grant Microsoft the necessary permissions.

Once done, you will be asked to create an excel sheet with the required columns and rows. To do this, click the Create button that will appear after you log in to your Instagram account above.

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Download Instagram Comments 2

You can create this Excel sheet inside any of the following cloud storage services. I will use Google Drive, but you can use any other service.

Download Instagram Comments 3

Sign in to your Google Drive account when prompted to grant Microsoft the necessary permissions. Now, click on the Continue button.

Download Instagram Comments 4

In the next screen, you’ll see your flow template is ready to use. You can control and change specific parameters like Delay, Output (in our case comments) etc.

Create the following columns in the worksheet you just created: Link, Comment, Comment, Username, and Full Name.

Download Instagram Comments 5

Fill in the file and sheet names in the Flow form under Insert Row Range. In the upper corner, there is a Test button to check if the flow template is working as expected. If so, then click the Save button next to it.

Download Instagram Comments 6

Now, every time you post new media, all Instagram comments will be included after the time you have set in the process. Here’s how your table should look:

Download Instagram Comments 7

Microsoft Flow will automatically generate the last column, PowerAppsId, and insert some random strings without you noticing. Just keep an eye on the comments and focus on coming up with a new strategy.

There are quite a few stream templates available to download Instagram comments like email, Twitter etc. You can also create your custom template once you get the hang of it.

You can run the sample 750 times a month on the free plan. If you need more, prices start at $5/month.

2. spoon

Spatulah is a cool little piece of software that will help you download Instagram comments URLs one by one. The tool has been designed using bright colors. First, click the Sign Up button and get an account.

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Download Instagram Comments 8

No need to verify your email ID. The app will immediately take you to the scraper screen. There you will be asked to enter the URL of the post that you need to remove the comment from in the Excel sheet.

Download Instagram Comments 9

When you click the scrap button, a CSV file with all the comments will be generated and downloaded to your local hard drive within seconds. Spatulah is quick and easy to use.

Download Instagram Comments 10

You can now go through all the comments your followers have made in a neat spreadsheet that you can organize however you like.

Spatulah is free to use and will work right out of any browser you use. No need to download or pay for anything.

3. Square icon

Iconosquare is an Instagram software designed purely for influencers and companies that need to collect data and make sense of it. Hence, it provides several metrics that you can track like comments, likes, shares, etc.

For this guide, we will only look at one specific feature. The ability to export Instagram comments in a spreadsheet is super easy to do once you’ve signed up for a pro account. Yes, it’s not free, but given the amount of tools it has to offer at your disposal, it’s well worth the money.

Download Instagram Comments 12

Sign up for a trial account to test drive features for up to 14 days. Note that Iconosquare will only work with Instagram business profiles, not regular profiles. Like I said, it’s mainly aimed at business users.

Once you’ve set up your profile and uploaded a few vehicles that have received comments, they will be updated every 5-10 minutes in your Iconosquare profile in the Comments section on the left.

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Download Instagram Comments 11

You can select the media to which you want to download the comments and the service will create a file and send it immediately to your registered email address.

Upload, Comment, Repeat!

Instagram is the right place to post pictures of almost anything. Although designed primarily for mobile devices, it becomes difficult to track and respond to comments.

The tools mentioned above will help you look at the big picture while keeping up with new updates and comments.

Next up: Want to download all Instagram data instead of just comments? Instagram allows you to do that. Find out how by clicking the link below.

Categories: How to

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