How to Clear Current Print Queue In Windows Vista & Windows 7

While printing documents one after another in Windows Vista / Windows 7, your print job may sometimes get stuck. It can hang all other jobs because Windows stores them in the print queue or spooler.

The best solution to this problem is to clear all current print jobs in the print spooler service. But before clearing them and clearing the print queue, you have to stop the service. Here are step-by-step instructions to stop the printer spooler, clear all current print queues, and start over.

1. Click the “Start” button. Type Services in the search box. Press the Enter key.

Service windows1

2. The Services Control Panel will open. Scroll down for “Printer Spooler”.

Printer spooler1

3. Right click on it and select “Stop”. It will stop the cache service. Since the spooler is stopped, it will not accept and execute the print job.


4. Go to C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRINTERS and delete all the files inside the folder. This step will delete all current print jobs.

Note: This step will delete all print jobs currently being processed.


5. Return to the Services panel. Right click on the Printer Spooler Service and select “Start”.

start up

Your print queue is now cleared. You can start printing your document again. If your printer gets stuck frequently, you can use this technique.

Categories: How to

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