How to Become Productive on an iPhone with a Single App

One of the things we all get used to when using our smartphones is switching between apps. This way of interacting is so basic and important that we think that in order to do something on an app, you have to quit whatever you’re doing and specifically go to that app.

Input for I Os Rating

But what if you don’t have to?

That’s the goal of Input, a free app by developer Matt Healy LLC. See how successful they are (if any).

Another point of view

The basic premise behind Input is to use command lines to interact with various services.

Enter the basic premise

Essentially, the app integrates with other apps and different web services, allowing the app (after you agree and sign up, of course) to perform tasks on your behalf. These actions cover a fairly wide range, so you can do some simple things like create an action from Input to send an email, or even create an item in Evernote.

Services supported so far are quite extensive and include Dropbox, Todoist, Twitter, Wunderlist, Slack, Evernote, Omnifocus, Trello, Gmail, etc.

Enter Gmail connectionEnter Gmail DisconnectInput service

One skin to rule them all

Setting up Input with any service requires you to sign in to the service in question and allow the application to access it on your behalf.

Enter Email command

Once signed in, you can start using any of the services you’ve enabled by simply choosing what you want to do and then adding other details to your commands. For example, you can type ’email’ and Input will understand what you want to do, then give you fields for recipients, subject and body for you to compose.

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Or you can also just type ‘calendar’ and then ‘conference [at 11 pm]’ and Input will generate an event with that information.

Command to check email inputEnter Email Sent

The app is free to download for all iOS users, and the first few services are free for all. However, Input requires $1.99 for each of the three additional services, which can be quite expensive depending on how dependent you are on the application.

Enter Additional Services Purchase

However, for the time and effort it saves you, the price may not be high if you really start using the app on a daily basis.

Categories: How to

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