How to Read Reliability Monitor Report in Windows 10

The Windows operating system may have its haters and its likes, but it certainly offers greater discovery opportunities for tinkerers who want to do more. In case anything goes wrong during tinkering, Windows also keeps good records of exactly what happened when.

Notebook Notebook Win101Don’t throw your Windows 10 laptop because of a few glitches!

Based on the Event Viewer software is Reliability Monitor, a feature that has existed since Windows Vista. With Windows 10, it is part of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Let’s see how to work with it.

Still not on sale on Windows 10? Then read our article on whether you should really upgrade after we’ve been using it for a month.

Find and launch it

There are a few ways you can go about this. First, just do a simple search in the Windows taskbar search bar and launch it directly from there.

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Or navigate to Control Panel then click System and Security and finally Security and Maintenance.

Understanding Tools

Retrieving data from Event Viewer, Reliability Monitor will highlight the following types of errors:-

  • Windows error: operating system error or error
  • Application error: Application crashes or crashes
  • Other errors: Peripheral errors or other types of errors and errors
  • Warning: Error does not necessarily affect the operation of the system
  • Information: Track system changes and updates

Just above the chart on the left is how you can sort when viewing the report. By default, it will be on day. You can click on the most important errors, which will always be marked with a red slash, and see what causes these errors.

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You can move around these red crosses and find out if a particular app is causing some fatal errors. Whether it’s your hard drive (defragmenting the drive helps in such cases) or an additional peripheral, you can see what’s causing the problem in Source part of the table.


The best way to fix recurring problems with an app is to uninstall and reinstall it. If it’s an important app you can’t live without. If not, find an alternative. If it’s a peripheral device or even a device installed on your machine (such as the hard drive itself) – a closer examination is required.

Reliability report

This is a great place to start troubleshooting on Windows 10 instead of blindly trying 10 things and then discovering it’s a newly installed piece of hardware. You can’t always fix every problem with this report, but it can certainly show you where you should start.

If Windows’ own operating system is the source of many problems (say more than 3 times a week) for you, then you’re better off reinstalling the whole thing.

Work smart, not difficult

Hopefully knowing about this will help you fix most of the common problems on your Windows 10 machine. If not, let us know on our forum, we’ll do our best to help anyway.

Categories: How to

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