How to Avoid or Remove Instagram Shadowban

Instagram remains one of the key social media platforms for expanding your reach, growing your business, and creating a personal brand. If you suddenly notice that Instagram restricts your content and reach on the platform, chances are you’ve been banned from following. Here are the best ways to avoid or remove the shadow ban on Instagram.

How to avoid and remove Instagram Shadowban

Are your new Instagram posts getting fewer likes and comments than your previous ones? Instagram may have limited the visibility of your account. It can be devastating if you’re an influencer or rely on Instagram to grow your business.

What is Shadowban on Instagram

Instagram has not publicly acknowledged the banning of shadows. However, many people have found their newer posts to have low reach on the platform (20+ likes compared to over 250 likes for previous posts). As you grow on Instagram, you rely on Explore and hashtags to reach new audiences. But if you’ve violated one of the company’s guidelines, Instagram may limit your reach and artificially limit your account to only your followers.

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Now that you know the consequences of banning balls on Instagram, use the tips below to avoid it.

1. No Violation of Company Guidelines

Instagram comes with company guidelines and terms to create a healthy environment for users. You may not post inappropriate content, promote illegal apps, or share hate speech on the platform. Instagram may restrict your account if others report it to the company.

2. Don’t act like a bot

Instagram expects you to behave like a normal human being. That means, if your activities include liking too many posts in a short time, sharing dozens of comments in a few minutes, or following hundreds of accounts in a short time. Instagram can detect your account as a bot and hide it.

3. Don’t buy followers or author interactions

stop instagram following account

It’s one of the common mistakes made by beginners to increase their reach on Instagram. When the company detects an unusually high number of followers or an unusually high level of engagement on your posts, the algorithm may limit the reach of your account due to a violation of the rules.

4. Don’t Use Banned Hashtags

Instagram bans certain hashtags to avoid misinformation, hate speech, terrorist content, and illegal activities on the platform. If you continue to use such content in your posts and Stories, the company may ban your account.

5. Check third-party app permissions

While third-party apps and services improve your Instagram experience, don’t go overboard. When Instagram detects automation through unknown apps on your account, you may face a shadow ban on the platform. Here’s how to check and remove third-party app access from your account.

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Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your phone and tap your account icon in the bottom right corner.

Open an Instagram account

Step 2: Tap the three horizontal lines at the top and open Settings & privacy.

Step 3: Select Site Access Permissions.

Check Instagram site permission

Step 4: Open Apps and Websites. Remove unnecessary websites and apps from your account.

Remove apps and websites from Instagram

6. Do not plagiarize articles

How often do you download and repost those high engagement posts from other people on Instagram? When others report your behavior, the company may ban your account and limit its reach.

How can you tell if you have been Shadowbanned on Instagram

Instagram does not warn you about banning your account. You need to guess based on the engagement of recent posts. It confirms the shadow ban if you notice a sharp drop in overall likes, comments, and views. Instagram Shadowban usually lasts for a few weeks.

  • When you notice a sharp drop in recent Instagram post performance
  • When your followers complain about not seeing your posts
  • Your audience insights show a significant drop in reach of non-followers

How to delete Instagram Shadowban

The tips below are suggestions to remove the ban on Instagram. They are not guaranteed to work for everyone as they are not suitable if you are looking for a one-size-fits-all solution.

1. Delete your recent posts

One of your recent posts may have gotten you into trouble with Instagram. If you can figure it out, delete your recent posts on the platform and wait a few days.

2. Remove all Hashtags from the post

Have you used inappropriate or banned hashtags in your recent posts? You should edit or remove all such troublesome hashtags from your posts.

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3. Don’t post for a few days

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Instead of engaging with some Instagram posts and increasing the ban period in the dark, you’ll need to wait a week or two and check engagement on new posts.

4. Start posting reels

Thanks to the popularity of short-form videos, Instagram is prioritizing Stories over regular posts. You can post several Stories on your account and keep a close eye on their views.

5. Promote articles

If your post engagement is pretty low on Instagram, you should increase it by a few dollars. Instagram shows your posts as ads on other users’ feeds and increases its overall reach.

Increase your Instagram reach

Your Instagram account Shadowbanning can ruin your social media experience. Before you report a problem with Instagram or switch to another social networking app, use the tips above to avoid and remove the shadow ban.

Categories: How to

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