How to Add Different Time Zones to MS Outlook Calendar

Not everyone has to make calls or schedule appointments globally. But when they have to, I’ve seen them guess the time in different places or calculate them according to their default time zone. This doesn’t appeal to me, especially when you have calendar tools to ease your work.

If you’re using the MS Outlook calendar to schedule meetings or to maintain your personal timeline, you’ll be happy to know that the calendar can display multiple time zones at once. We’ll see how to add them and make things happen. But before we continue, let’s also take a look at the flight schedule.

advance calendar

Steps to add a time zone to the calendar

While there’s a quick way to get this done, I’ll take you through the longer route first and cover the quicker path at the end. Knowing both methods can sometimes be helpful. Let us get started.

Step 1: Navigate to Tools > Options to start Option dialog box. Keep the mark on Interest tab and press Calendar options bottom button Calendar part.

Calendar options

Step 2: This will show Calendar options dialog box. Scroll to Advance setting and click time zone.

Calendar time zone

Step 3: You will see another dialog box for time zone and will also be able to note that the default time zone is enabled. You may want to add a label to it before continuing.

Add time zone

Tick ​​the checkbox read Show additional time zone, add a label to it, select your additional time zone and click Alright.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to see the columns for the different time zones you’ve declared, next to your calendar. Navigate back to the calendar view and you should be able to spot the difference. Compare the image above with the image shown below.

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next calendar

A quick way to launch the Time Zone dialog box directly from the calendar view. Just right click on the time grid and select Change time zone. That will take you directly to Step 3 of the detailed process.

Launch Time Zone Dialog

However, if you’re a first-time user, I recommend going from Step 1 to Step 3 as that opens the door for you to explore more Calendar tools and options that may be of interest to you.


Once you’ve set your schedule with the additional time zone, you can easily eliminate the “What time is there?” guessing game. Now you’ll always have an idea and stay in sync with the additional time zones you need to follow.

Any other tricks to help you do the same thing? Let us know in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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