Handcent SMS vs Go SMS Pro for Android: How Do They Compare?

There are many SMS management apps available for Android but when it comes to the best two to choose from, it’s always a fight between Handcent and Go SMS Pro. Both Handcent and Go SMS Pro are powerful SMS tools for Android and have a lot in common. But there are differences too as you will see.

Go Sms Vs Handcent

Many of my friends have asked me which of the above two apps I prefer and this article is an attempt to answer them. Of course, it’s usually about what works better. So we will see how both the apps compare in different aspects and which one should you go for.

Cool Tip: We have previously covered some amazing Go SMS Pro features. Check it out.

Size and Pricing

The apps are freely available on Google Play Store and none of them show ads to generate any revenue. It’s quite important that we see the difference in the installation size as well. This would not matter if your Android is running on a high-end device with large blocks of memory to spare, but for the devices which are running on low internal memory, it might be a matter of concern. The size of Handcent is only around 3 MB when compared to 8 MB of Go SMS Pro. So, a good 5 MB difference there.

Important Update: TechCrunch reported about the GO SMS Pro app for Android carrying a bug that potentially exposes photos, videos, and other files on your phone. Till the developers release a proper update to fix the bug, we recommend moving to the default Messages app with Android RCS messaging or using the Microsoft SMS Organizer app.

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Looks and Themes

When it comes to looks, both of them are impressive. Handcent gives you iPhone-like bubbly interface while Go SMS Pro sticks to Android layout. Many hardcore Android lovers, including me, tend to choose Go SMS for its looks. If I wanted an iPhone-like interface, I would have bought one. One thing I like about Handcent though is that it lets you customize each SMS thread individually. So if you would like to increase the font size and change conversation bubble color for a single contact, it can be taken care of.


Both Handcent and Go SMS support theme makeovers and can be downloaded from the Play Store. But Go SMS makes it easier for you to browse the on the Play Store.


Handcent SMS has very limited or I should say has basic features when compared to Go SMS. If I were to talk about all the features packed in Go SMS, it would take me a couple of articles to compile them. Both Go SMS and Handcent have features like scheduling, blacklisting, privacy box but in the latter you cannot use any of these features unless you sign up for an account.

Handcent Features 1Go Sms Features

Go SMS users can use all these features even without making an account and it really makes sense. If I want to blacklist my contacts locally, why would I need an online account unless it syncs my setting to the cloud, which it doesn’t.

Internet Messaging

Go SMS users can use their data service or connect to Wi-Fi to send text and images over the internet without any extra charge. The service can be more or less compared to WhatsApp.

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Go Vs Handcent

Handcent also recently launched a similar service name Handcent talk but I had a tough time figuring out how to add contacts in that and send a new message.

Impact on Phone

We have already seen how the apps compare when it comes to size on card and Handcent is the clear winner taking half the size required for Go SMS. When it comes to performance, I am afraid that if you have a low configuration device, you might encounter some lags in Go SMS. Handcent on the other hand is fit for all the devices.

My Verdict

After seeing the above aspects all I would recommend is that if you have a fancy Android you must go for Go SMS Pro. It’s crème de la crème of the Android SMS apps. However, if you want a decent SMS application on your entry level Android phone to fill the gaps of stock app, you will have to settle down for the next best and that’s Handcent.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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