Control uTorrent on Mac Remotely From iPhone Without Jailbreak

U Torrent I Phone

For any user who has tinkered even a bit with their iPhone and who knows how to use a torrent client like


, it will come as no surprise to know that Apple simply does not allow native torrent apps in the App Store due to security and piracy concerns. Android users do have

these kinds of apps

(to our envy), so we are left to figure out what to do if we want to emulate their functionality on our iPhones.

Thankfully, uTorrent, a very popular torrent client for Windows and the Mac offers a very clever solution for iPhone and other iOS device owners who are also uTorrent users. We might not get a native uTorrent app anytime soon, but instead let’s take a look at the next best thing.

On Your Mac

Step 1: Open uTorrent on your Mac and on the menu bar click on uTorrent > Preferences. On the Preferences window, select the Remote option. Once there, click on the uTorrent Remote tab.

U Torrent Menus

Step 2: You will notice that there is a field for entering a computer name and a password. Do so. Then check the box next to Enable uTorrent remote. After this, click on the Sign in… button. Once the status indicator turns to green and says Accessible, it means you have successfully signed into uTorrent’s server.

U Torrent Not ConnectedU Torrent Connected

On Your iPhone

Step 3: On your iPhone, open your browser of choice and open the uTorrent website. Once there tap on Products and then tap on uTorrent Remote at the bottom of the available options.

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U Torrent I Phone MainU Torrent Remote Option

Step 4: You will then be directed to the uTorrent Remote login screen. Tap on the green Login button and then slide your finger across the progress bar on the next screen as a security measure.

U Torrent I Phone LoginU Torrent I Phone Slide

Step 5: After that you will be directed to the “real” Login screen. There, introduce the computer name and password that you entered on the uTorrent Preferences window on your Mac before and tap on Log In. After a short while you will be directed to your uTorrent’s client web interface.

U Torrent Real LoginU Torrent Accessing

Step 6: Once you access the web client for uTorrent, you will be able to use it pretty much as a web app on your iPhone. Upon entering you will see your torrent history. Taping the Menu button will take you to uTorrent’s main controls, from where you can navigate between your Downloaded, Seeded and your Completed torrents. Likewise, tapping the Settings button will allow you to control your client’s settings, which will change on your Mac as you edit them on your iPhone.

U Torrent I Phone HistoryU Torrent I Phone SettingsU Torrent I Phone Options

Step 7: In similar fashion, you can pause, start and even delete your active torrents right from your iPhone’s browser and the changes will reflect almost instantly on uTorrent on your Mac.

U Torrent CurrentU Torrent Paused

Once you are done adjusting settings and/or controlling your torrents, don’t forget to log out (you are on your web browser after all).

U Torrent Logout

There you go. While using this solution is by no means ideal and offers less reliability when compared to the native uTorrent app available for Android, it is still a very convenient way to manage your torrents, especially considering that there are almost no chances of seeing something like this on the App Store.

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Categories: How to

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