Follow for Follow on Twitter: Does it Work?

If you’ve been using Twitter for a while, you may have come across a follow thread to follow.

These topics are really popular on Twitter because they can help you grow your followers quickly.

The question is are these topics really useful in the long run?

In this article, I’ll dive into the intricacies of a tracking strategy to follow on Twitter.

You will learn how to find followers for follower chains on and off Twitter, how to use them, etc.

Table of contents

  1. What is Track to Track?
  2. Does Follow to Follow work on Twitter?
  3. How to use follow to follow on Twitter
  4. Can you mass follow on Twitter?
  5. Conclusion

What is Track to Track?

Basically, following to follow is the act of following someone else in the hope of being followed back.

This strategy dates back to the early days on Instagram, where there weren’t many restrictions.

Before that, you could follow thousands of people without the hassle of your account.

However, for now, if you try to follow a group of users one by one, your account will be locked.

Instagram action blocks can last for several hours, 24 hours, or even more.

Action blocking is probably one of the most annoying things on Instagram because you are restricted from following, unfollowing, liking, etc.

Twitter also has an action block, but it’s less “powerful” than Instagram.

The follow-to-follow strategy is popular on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter as it is a quick way to grow your followers.

Also, it has less implications than buying followers or likes.

Following someone on social media has been the norm for the longest time.

Back when Facebook was born, not accepting someone’s friend request could be considered an act of disrespect.

Using the same concept, not following someone back (especially if you know them firsthand) can frustrate them, at least.

People learned to take advantage of this concept and started following random users in hopes of being followed back.

Does Follow to Follow work on Twitter?

Twitter follow to follow

In short, yes, follow to track activity on Twitter. However, it’s not all sunshine and roses—there are some downsides to using it.

I’ve tried using followers for Twitter follower topics for a week, and the results have been mixed.

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Subscribe to track activity on Twitter, but it can harm your account in the long run if you don’t use it properly.

If you are hoping to use this strategy to increase your following, then you need to be aware of its advantages as well as its disadvantages.

After all, you need to know what you’re doing when using it to grow your followers. Otherwise, you may regret doing it.

To begin with, here is a summary of its advantages.


First, a follow-to-follow strategy is the easiest way for you to grow your Twitter followers.

You can literally start a brand new Twitter account and grow it to hundreds of followers in a flash using it.

If you are growing a Twitter account from scratch, you can use following to follow to get your first hundred followers.

After using the following strategy to follow for a week, I went from 0 to 200 followers without having to post a single tweet.

Which brings me to my next point—you don’t have to tweet much while you’re at it.

Since your growth depends on following others, you don’t need to tweet at all to increase your following.

Similarly, you don’t have to interact with other people’s tweets if you don’t want to.

If you’re looking to grow your Twitter followers organically, you’ll have to constantly tweet and interact with others.

Besides, it will take you longer to grow unless one of your tweets goes viral.

On the other hand, if you are using following for following, you can simply focus on following others and liking some comments.

That being said, if you don’t tweet a lot, then this strategy is for you.


Now let’s move on to its downside.

First, your Twitter feed will contain a lot of random tweets.

If you’re not careful about who you follow, your feed will be overwhelmed by a large number of tweets.

Your feed can be flooded with irrelevant tweets.

This will make it harder for you to keep up with every tweet.

Worse yet, you might miss tweets from people you care about.

For example, if your friend tweeted something an hour ago, it could be buried under hundreds of other tweets.

Because of this, you will have to scroll a long time to find their tweets.

To prevent your feed from getting overloaded, you’ll have to constantly mute others.

To mitigate this, you’ll have to mute tweets from people you’ve recently followed.

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Second, the follow for follow strategy on Twitter is time consuming.

The number of people you follow will determine the number of followers you will gain.

This means that you will have to follow thousands of people to get thousands of followers.

Tracking people takes a lot of work; it is not easy task.

Furthermore, you need to watch out for Twitter’s follow limit to avoid being blocked from action.

Ultimately, your follower/follower ratio won’t be perfect. Having a bad follower/follower ratio can harm your Twitter account.

Since you are following a large number of random people, a lot of them will not interact with your tweets.

This will dilute your engagement rate.

In addition, you will have to constantly monitor unfollowers and unfollow them.

Otherwise, your follower/follower ratio will deteriorate.

How to use follow to follow on Twitter

The easiest way to use a follow-to-follow strategy to grow your Twitter followers is to join follow-to-follow threads on Twitter or Indiehackers.

The track to follow thread is like a track train where everyone follows each other.

Using these themes is a great way to expand your Twitter audience quickly.

The general idea is to follow as many people as possible in these topics to get the most followers.

But how do you find these themes?

The topic of tracking to follow is a prominent thing in Indiehackers.

Although the community is mainly focused on entrepreneurship; it has many groups where you can participate in different topics.

One of the trends on Indiehackers is tracking tracking topics.

Follow to follow twitter

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can use tracking chains to follow (link here) on Indiehackers.

  1. Share your Twitter link.
  2. Follow other Indiehackers on Twitter.
  3. Send them a direct message that you are from Indiehackers to follow back.

The following thread to follow on Indiehackers is very useful because you can potentially get hundreds of followers from them.

If you are interested in entrepreneurship, this topic is perfect for you as you will be connected with like-minded people.

These topics are posted inconsistently in the community, so you’ll have to watch out for them.

If not, you can post it yourself and hope that it will appear on the homepage.

I personally have over 300 Twitter followers from Indiehackers alone.

Other follow-to-follow topics you can use are those from Twitter.


These topics often require you to comment with the emoji “❤️” and you must follow everyone who likes your comment.

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Likewise, you can like other people’s comments to get them to follow you.

I tried using these themes on Twitter and I gained over 200 followers within a week.

However, I don’t recommend using them because the people there aren’t that much engaged.

Moreover, your feed will be filled with lots of random tweets very quickly.

That being said, you can still use them if you just want to increase your followers.

If you care about engagement rate and follower/follower ratio, you should stay away from these topics.

Can you mass follow on Twitter?

You can mass follow on Twitter, but you will be blocked from following once you reach your tracking limit.

You can follow up to 400 accounts per day with unverified accounts and 1,000 accounts per day with verified accounts.

In Twitter’s own words, you can follow up to 400 accounts per day with unverified accounts.

Verified accounts, on the other hand, can follow up to 1,000 accounts per day.

However, this does not take into account the speed you are tracking.

If you follow other people in turn, you will be temporarily blocked from following.

This is Twitter’s approach to spam reduction and automation on its platform, similar to Instagram’s.

However, if you are blocked from acting on Twitter, it only lasts for a few minutes compared to 24 to 48 hours for Instagram.


Using follow to follow on Twitter is a controversial way to increase your following.

Despite its controversies and disadvantages, the follow for follow strategy is still an effective way to grow your Twitter audience.

At the end of the day, you will decide if its pros outweigh its cons.

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