Create Amazing Black and White Photos With Photoshop

Professional Bw Photos With Photoshop

If you are a lover of vintage photography, you will definitely love this item. Here we will show you how to take any ordinary photo and create a professional black and white version using Photoshop.


Here is the original image that we will use to illustrate this example:

Original Photoshop Black and White

Naturally, you have to wonder if just using the default black and white option in Photoshop is enough. While it may work for some of you, in reality, the end result when using more complex techniques (the ones you’re about to learn here) can be much more classic and elegant.

Just see our photo converted to black and white using both the quick option (first image) and our more complex method (second image).

Original Photoshop Black & White Bw

Final result of Photoshop in black and white

As you can see, the difference can be huge. The second photos look richer in texture and certainly more evenly colored, giving it a more uniform look.

Okay, without further ado, here is the process to create these impressive black and white photos.

Step 1: Start by opening your photo in Photoshop and then go to class panel at the bottom right of the screen. There, click Channel tab to show all your photo channels. Here, click on each of them (Red, Green and Blue) to determine which image has the best tonal range to use as your ‘base’ image.

Black and white Photoshop channel

Once you’ve decided which one to use, press the . button Command + A shortcut to select that layer and then use Command + to copy it to your clipboard.

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Step 2: Now click on the RGB layer and then switch back to the layer class navigation. There, click new class button to create a new layer.

Photoshop's new layer button in black and white

After you done and with the new layer selected on class control panel, press Command + DRAW to paste the selected channel on that layer. As a result, you should now have two layers above class dashboard.

Two-layer black and white Photoshop

Step 3: Now let’s make that black and white layer a bit sharper. For that, click Filter menu on the menu bar and select Sharpen first and then Smart sharpening.

Sharpen Photoshop in black and white

above Smart sharpening window has two options you must care about. First, use Quantity slider to fine-tune layer sharpness. Then check the More exactly check box at the bottom of the window.

Black and white Photoshop smart sharpening

Cool Tip: Don’t forget you can use the zoom option at the bottom of the photo to get a better picture of how the changes are reflected on the photo.

Step 4: When you are satisfied with the result, create a new layer on class color board.

Black and white Photoshop New Second Layer

This time, we’ll work with gradients to better highlight parts of the image that might be underexposed. So with the new layer selected, click Slope on the Tools panel and then press ‘D’ on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white respectively.

Photoshop black and white gradient tool

Next, go to the top of the screen and click the gradient preview on the toolbar to open it Gradient Editor.

Photoshop black and white gradient preview

Since our photo is black and white, make sure you choose a color range without color. For this example we will work with the top left one. Once selected, click ALRIGHT.

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Black and White Photoshop Gradient Editor

Step 5: Now, what you want to do here is bring more light into the darkest areas of your photo. In this case you will notice that the lower right area of ​​this photo is too dark, so to lighten it click to start the gradient on the most ‘clear’ part of the photo and drag it back. dark side. The layer will now display the resulting gradient.

Black and White Photoshop Gradient Layer

Step 6: Now, the last step, go to class control panel and there click the down arrow and select coating from the available options. Once done, adjust the level of blur until you are satisfied with the resulting image.

Black and white Photoshop overlays

Final result of Photoshop in black and white1

As you’ve seen, these Photoshop options go beyond quick tweaks and really give you the level of control needed to make your black and white photos look exactly the way you want them to. Happy editing!

Categories: How to

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