Should You Buy A Bluetooth Keyboard For Your iPad?

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If you’ve got an iPad and use it actively, you know it’s a great consumer device. It’s great to read and watch videos. But it can do more than that. Apple highlights all the crazy use cases in its Verse ads. But what if you’re not a marine biologist or don’t repair windmills in freezing temperatures? Is there a special way to improve your iPad experience? Yes, yes; just buy a keyboard.

By purchasing a Bluetooth keyboard, you can turn your iPad from a consumer box to a productivity machine.

Why should you buy a keyboard and what can you do with a paired keyboard? Are there downsides? Read to find out.

First, some keyboard buying tips

Super Thin Keyboard Cover For Ipad Air

  • Get a keyboard case if you can. That way, the keyboard will act as a protective cover and will always be there. It seems trivial but trust me, it makes a big difference.
  • Logitech keyboards are the best. And they are widely available. I especially love the Ultrathin keyboard case for iPad Air and mini.
  • If you’re looking for something very cheap, consider the $25 AmazonBasics Bluetooth keyboard. At around $20, the Anker T300 keyboard is also a steal.
  • You can also use the Apple Wireless Keyboard if you have one lying around. It costs $69, feels a lot like the keyboard on a MacBook, and that’s what I’m using right now.


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Well, the keyboard is for writing, so this one is pretty straightforward. But there are different styles of writing. Some bring out the best of the iPad, some the worst. I will go into more detail below.

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Write focus

If you’re jumping between browser tabs or e-books filled with research data, the iPad probably won’t be the best thing for you. You can do it, it won’t be a good experience.

On the other hand, I think this kind of setup is perfect for more creative writing, from mind to keyboard. Whether you are writing a poem, short story or novel. By blocking all other apps and allowing you to focus on a single thing, iPad makes a better pure writing machine than any other computer.

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Just imagine you’re sitting at a table like this, just two machines and yourself, with your iPad muted and nothing in between your thoughts and the words on the screen.

Working with the Office suite

If you’ve worked in an office environment and use the MS Office suite or Apple iWork, then you’ll love the portability that iPad offers.

Now that the Office apps are officially available on iPad, you can pick up that Word document right where you left off.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Web browsers like iCab and other writing apps are customized for Bluetooth keyboards. That means if your hand is already on the keyboard, you won’t have to reach out to touch the screen, which can get tiring after a while. Things like selecting all text, copying, pasting, or undoing become a lot easier when you have a paired keyboard.

Productivity Booster

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If you have an iPad lying around, you can add it to your workstation and turn it into a dedicated mail exchanger. Keep all or one of your messaging apps running on your iPad so you can differentiate between work on your computer and chatting on your iPad. You can run the note taking app and do the same for notes.

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Where no laptop has appeared before

Well, isn’t that the whole point? With an included slim keyboard, your iPad will go places your laptop can’t even dream of. And it’s not just about carrying it in your pocket, it’s about using it outdoors.

Power up your Retina iPad mini with the onboard Logitech Ultrathin keyboard for fast emailing or much better document editing than you can do on your iPhone. Not to mention taking the laptop outside in this situation would be very unwieldy.

And this continues when you’re on vacation, at the beach or on a plane.

Don’t worry about it

dsc 04341This is me trying out Tom Hanks’ The Hanx Writer app. This app promises to take you back to simpler times. But you still get the luxuries of spellchecking and erasing. It’s not a full-featured app, but it does have some sentimental value.

If you’ve tried getting things done on your iPad, you know it’s not easy. Let me tell you this – if you’re sitting at your desk and have a laptop or PC next to your iPad, always pick a PC (unless you’re Federico Viticci).

Being productive on the iPad can be overwhelming.. it was for me. But the best way to do it is to play to its strengths, use it in situations when you can’t use anything else, and when there’s something better, use it.

But above all, don’t stress too much about it. With or without a keyboard, the iPad is still a pretty cool tablet to own.

Categories: How to

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