9 Ways to Create More Screen Space on Low Resolution Monitors

Big screen

Most people think that screen space increases with the physical size of the screen. Well, that’s true to an extent because larger computer monitors come with higher screen resolutions and thus more space, but I feel that screen space is all about a person’s perceptions and requirements. For example, some people like to keep their screens clean and clutter-free (so that’s the space for them) while others stack everything they can on screen space to optimize usage. that room.

Today, we’ve randomly selected a few related scenarios and interfaces to discuss how one can gain more screen space on a Windows computer, that is, make up for the low screen resolution. by creating more space for on-screen content through other alternatives.

And our main focus is to hide (temporarily) or remove elements that are not useful and are not always needed. Let us see which is best for you.

Hot Tip: Also, read how to get more space on the Windows taskbar if that’s what you’re looking for.

Hide the Windows taskbar to make more screen space

The Windows taskbar takes up a strip of space (or more if you’ve increased the rows) on the desktop. But there are terms for you to enable auto-hide taskbar when you are working on other applications.

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That way, the taskbar won’t appear until you hover your mouse towards the edge (where the taskbar is located) of the screen. To set it up, right click on the taskbar and navigate to Properties -> Taskbar and check Automatically hide the taskbar.

Automatically hide taskbar

Create multiple desktops with nSpaces or Dexpot on Windows

If you like the concept of Mac OS X spaces or workspaces on most Linux distros, you’ll love this tool. It allows you to create up to four spaces on your screen and customize each space to your needs and mood. Read details on how to organize your windows and create multiple monitors with nSpaces to quadruple your screen space. There is also another app called Dexpot – Dexpot is a very efficient Virtual Desktop Manager.

Nspace Wallpaper

Move Desktop to Taskbar on Windows

If cleanliness is space for you, you might consider hiding desktop icons and moving desktop space to the taskbar. This will also allow you to add more programs, files, folders, and shortcuts that the desktop can accommodate. At the same time it enhances accessibility. This process is detailed in 5 great ways to get more out of the Windows 7 taskbar.

On-Screen Toolbar

Remove Desktop Sidebar on Windows

Windows Vista and 7 have a sidebar for using utilities. Honestly, we don’t use them and don’t need them on a daily basis either. Here’s how to add or remove sidebars or get more widgets.

Weather widget1

Remove unnecessary panes on Windows Explorer

Windows 7 explorer comes with several panes and options menu bar. Think about your navigation habits and conclude what you need or what to get rid of. Then see how to hide the Details pane, Preview pane, and Navigation pane.

See more:  A Guide to Disabling Automatic Windows 10 Updates

window frame

Enhance browser space

While browsing the internet, third parties often ask us to add toolbars, search engines and the like. They start consuming a row and reduce browsing space. So navigate to the options in your browser and disable them.

Firefox Options

However, the best way to get maximum screen space on the browser is to switch to full screen mode.

Increase Email Reading Space for Gmail

Gmail has a lot of things (besides the email interface) built into its design, such as chat frames, headers, and people widgets. To make it worse ads follow. Now it’s to keep things simple and earn more space to read emails by removing clutter from Gmail design with Gmelius.

Delete chat frame

Get rid of Internet ads

Ads can be really annoying and leave very little reading space on web pages. It would be a good idea to delete them and dedicate that space to reading or watching videos, etc. Try using readability to simplify your online reading experience.

Buy an extra monitor

If nothing on the list works for you, or if you need more space after doing all this, you should go out, buy an extra monitor, and configure a dual monitor setup. ????


Like I said, screen space is generally about perception, I was referring to what I might perceive or think about randomly. Let us know which tips will help you or tell us more tricks that you think should have been on the list above.

Top image credits: russelljsmith

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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