Comparing the 2 Free Blogging Tools: Medium and

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When it comes to blogging, there are plenty of alternatives available and

more platforms

released every week. In this article, we will focus on the heavyweight champion of the blogging world –

go against the new age alternative –

I’m sure you’ve heard of Medium by now. Either from a writer friend who won’t be quiet about it or a complete stranger you follow on twitter. Personally, I find Media to be a great place to use content that I wouldn’t normally discover on my own, written by people I know nothing about. The medium is as much about the community as it is about the platform.

Average is decent though. In an age of news and mobile-specific apps like Flipboard and Reeder 2, I rarely browse any websites on my phone. Average is the exception. It looks great on every device I own and works great. This is the first platform where I don’t feel the need to require a dedicated app. And that’s high praise.

On the other hand, WordPress is the father of the blogging world. And with time, it started to get messy. But recent updates have brought it to life with impressive features to boot.

So, if you’re looking to start writing your thoughts online for all to see and want to use a free blogging platform, we have an overview of the two services here. We’ll compare the writing and publishing environments both of these services offer and discuss what to consider before you make your choice.

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Publishing with media

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If you love the writing process and are a fan of all things beautiful, come to Medium. But of course, it’s more than that. It’s about communities, platforms, algorithms, and editors curating the best content from the site and putting it on the front page, no matter who the writer is, newbie or expert. Also, Medium is new and exciting. The commenting system is contextual and only appears when you need it. Media has different user-managed collections. This is another great way for you to discover new content. See which collection you like? Follow it and the updates will show up on your home screen.

Publishing in Media is just as unusual as the website itself. You won’t find the toolbar as handy as we’re all used to. If you want to format some text, you’ll have to select all of it and choose your options from the pop-up bubble. So that you don’t get lost, Medium has built a collection just for beginners. Head to this post to learn more about formatting and your first publication story above Average.

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If you are looking for a booming community of insightful readers, Medium is the way to go. But the Medium comes with its own set of problems. For all its simplicity, you don’t have many options. Yes, any content on a website looks great, but it also looks the same.

There are no themes or customizations to make your content stand out except for images and some basic formatting options. So, if you’re thinking of starting a blog for your company or looking to tap into a particular niche, Medium might not be for you.

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Publishing with WordPress

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The weakness of the medium translates into the strength of WordPress. Although Medium is new and still experimenting with features and layouts, WordPress already has a solid foundation. If stability is what you are looking for then WordPress is the way to go. Also, there are countless other reasons why WordPress is such a great platform for bloggers, and listing them all here would be nearly impossible. So here are just two that are really good.

  • Flexibility: WordPress has a multitude of themes and plugins available to enhance your website. Of course, the choice isn’t as much as what’s available for the self-hosted WordPress platform –, but it’s still quite large.
  • Profiles and Pages: With WordPress, you get your own unique profile, you can add your own domain, and your blog can also support different pages. None of those are available on Media.

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Last Wednesday

I hope this short article has given you an overview of the differentiating features of Medium and WordPress. Thanks to the wonderful world of free Internet, both services can coexist peacefully. But only one of them may be right for you. If you want to focus on content, an existing and growing community of readers, and a beautiful blog with minimal setup, then is the right choice. On the other hand, if you want a little more control over your content and are looking for more features, there’s nothing better than

Your experience?

If you run your blog on either of these platforms, why not let us know how it has performed for you so far. The comments section welcomes your thoughts with open arms.

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