How to Get Android Nougat Boot Animation on Any Android

So Android Nougat will be released later this summer or fall. Google has rolled out 4 developer previews with lots of exciting features and more coming soon. You can’t easily get these updates unless you have at least one device from the Nexus line. That’s the bitter truth that every Android user has to face. However, the openness of Android makes it easy for users to at least enjoy the latest update. Be it the new Android N emoji, the Keyboard or, as in our case, the boot animation.

Female Android boot animation

When I first started rooting Android, I went crazy with the boot animation. I will change it every week with new ones. I found it great. And, it still is. So if you think so too then let me show you how to get Android N’s smooth new boot animation on your Android.


  • A rooted Android smartphone.
  • Native file explorer. e.g. ES File Explorer or Root browser.
  • Download this boot animation zip file.

The was extracted by mattwheat, senior member of XDA from the developer preview of Android N 4.

Install New Android Boot Animation

Step 1: Open your favorite root file explorer and navigate to system/media.

Step 2: Here you will find a boot animation zip file. Name may be different. You must first make a backup copy of this file, in case a new file backfires. So change the old name ARRIVE In my case it was

Android N 1 boot animation

You may even have to rename other related files to the boot animation to make it work perfectly.

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Step 3: Now, you need to migrate Android FEMALE ARRIVE system/media.

Android N 2 boot animationAndroid N 3 boot animation

Step 4: You are only one step away. select open properties and change permissions as shown below.

Android N 4 boot animationAndroid N 5 boot animation

Step 5: The device is all set up. Restart your phone and enjoy the animation. This is what it looks like.

Android N 6 boot animation

It’s a colorful round animation that keeps changing after each revolution. It should work on most current devices. If it doesn’t work then maybe your device code is not compatible with this zip file. You can always delete the file and restore the backed up boot animation zip file by renaming the file back to its original form.

Also Read: Android N Launcher That You Can Customize Up To

Categories: How to

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