Backup a Facebook Page’s Status, Photos to Google Drive

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If you have a Facebook page, you post a lot of things on it. Status updates, special hashtag and photo based ads, lots of photos. An active Facebook user posts several times a day. It’s not uncommon to see 4-5 posts daily from your favorite site.

Looking at this from a content creator’s point of view, it’s a lot of things. Things that fans will probably forget. Things that you will probably recycle (just like with anything on the internet). In times like these, it can be helpful to keep a journal of all the things you’ve posted to Facebook.

Now, of course, you can do this the old-fashioned way: manually copy the photos you’ve uploaded to a folder on your local drive or Dropbox/Google Drive. Or add a text update to a long document with the date. But why go through all that trouble when you can automate this whole process in minutes?

Today we will use IFTTT to link Facebook page with Google Drive or Dropbox. I’ll show you how to create two custom recipes to add status updates to documents and back up all the photos you upload to your Facebook Page to a folder in Google Drive or Dropbox.


First, Activate Facebook Pages, Google Drive and Dropbox channels

Warning: If you don’t know about IFTTT (If One Then That), check out our explanation here. It’s a great way to automate actions on the web.

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Once you’ve signed up for IFTTT, you’ll need to activate the Facebook Pages, Google Drive, and Dropbox channels by logging into those accounts and authenticating them.

When you activate the Facebook Pages channel, it will ask you to choose the default Facebook Page that you manage. Right now you can only choose one Facebook page. So if you want to do this for multiple Facebook Pages, you’ll need to create multiple IFTTT accounts.

Now, let’s create those recipes.

How to append Facebook page status updates to a document in Google Drive or Dropbox

Go to this page to get started.

Step 1: Click This to specify source and search actions Facebook Page from the channel list.

Step 1

Step 2: Now you will need to select the trigger. Select New status message on the page select.

Step 2

Step 3: Click Create Trigger.

Step 4: Now click Afterward and search for the cloud storage service of your choice. You can do this for Google Drive or Dropbox. In this example, I will use Google Drive.

Step 4

Step 5: Now we need to choose an action. Since we’re looking to create a long document containing all of our state updates (you really don’t want one file for each state), choose Append to a document. If you already use Dropbox, the option is Append to a text file.

Step 5 Connect

Step 6: Now, IFTTT will show you the document name, content, and save path fields. If you want to change the document name or the location where the document is saved in Google Drive, make the appropriate changes.

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Step 6 Connect

Step 7: Edit recipe title if desired, turn off notifications, click Create a recipe and you’re done.

Step 7 Drive1

Any status updates on your Facebook page will now be added to the document you created, along with a date and time stamp.

How to Automatically Backup Photos Uploaded to Facebook Page to Google Drive or Dropbox

When creating this recipe, a lot of the steps are the same as above. So I just highlight what’s different.

Step 2: In Trigger, select Upload new photos to the page.

Step 5: Choose action Upload files from URL.

Step 6: Select the folder where you want to save all the pictures and click Create action.

Why Google Drive and not Dropbox?

The reason I chose Google Drive in the examples above (and that’s what I use in real life for this kind of activity) is because Google Drive has Documents. The document that saves all the status messages will appear on the web, easily accessible from anywhere, and you can also share it with your colleagues.

Also, Google Drive gives you 15 GB of free space instead of 2 GB with Dropbox. So if you upload a lot of images to your Facebook page, that extra storage really comes in handy.

Did this work for you?

Is this automatic backup solution right for you? By an estimate, how much time has this little recipe freed you up? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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