Andrew Tate’s Final Message

Andrew Tate has been banned on almost every popular social media platform for his stance on certain topics along with other rumors and allegations.

Obviously, when a popular social media platform bans a celebrity like Tate—other platforms must follow.

Otherwise, those platforms will be destroyed in the same way that Tate did.

After the ban, he released a 1 hour and 13 minute video of himself talking in front of the camera.

In the video, he mentioned all his rumors, intentions and future plans.

He has released videos on and Rumble.

You can also find this video on YouTube and clips of it on TikTok uploaded by other users.

Andrew Tate’s Last Message

In his last message, Andrew Tate introduced himself and his childhood for the first time.

He then talked about how the media had drawn up false stories about him.

“On the internet, people don’t like you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you say.”

“There will be some people who don’t like you, and those who don’t like you don’t care about the truth.”

“What they care about is finding a lie they can cling to and speeding it up.”

Tate then addresses rumors and allegations about him.

“I have a very healthy relationship with women, I have not been charged with a crime.”

He then showed a video of one of his ex-girlfriends defending him about “misbehavior”.

In the middle of the video, Tate says he receives thousands of threats every day.

A few minutes later, he shared about his volunteer activities.

“I want Instagram to confirm the final likes count of that photo so I can donate the 1.2, 1.3 million dollars I promised to donate.”

See more:  Reasons For An Instagram Ban: Everything You Need to Know

“I would even be happy if Instagram picked two charities and verified my donation.”

At the end of the video, he talked about his future plans.

“What’s next for Top G? I have built the life of my dreams, I have everything I ever wanted.”

“All that remains for me to do is have a positive impact on the world.”

Finally, Tate ends the video with a quote from his late father, “My unprecedented ability to discern, coupled with absolute steadfastness, makes me a formidable opponent in any field. any human endeavor”.

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How to contact Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate on Rumble

Who is Andrew Tate’s father?

Categories: Social Media

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