5 Ways to Make Friends on Instagram

Want to make friends on Instagram?

Direct messaging is the best way to make friends on Instagram.

This is because it is just a button press.

In fact, you can even send messages directly to a private account.

That is if the person sets their message request setting to “everyone”.

However, you should try not to send direct messages to anyone without context.

This is because it is very unlikely that you will get an answer if you just say “hello”.

So how can you start a conversation with someone on Instagram?

In this article, you will learn 5 surefire ways to make friends on Instagram.

By the end of this article, you should be able to apply these ways to make meaningful connections.

How to make friends on Instagram

To make friends on Instagram, you can join followers to follow the community, reply to stories or ask questions about your stories.

You can also try interacting more with other people’s posts and following each other.

  1. Join the following to follow the community
  2. Reply to news
  3. Ask questions about your story
  4. Interact with other people’s posts
  5. follow each other

1. Join the following community to follow


The first way to make friends on Instagram is to join follow-to-follow communities.

There are many of them on the web as you can find them from Facebook, Reddit, Discord, etc.

But the best ones are usually from Reddit—r/Instagram, r/Followback, r/FollowForFollow.

Joining a community of followers to follow is a great way to find people in your niche to follow.

Follow-to-follow community is where you can share your Instagram link with others.

When you do, people will start following you on Instagram and you will have to follow them back.

Alternatively, you can follow others first and send them a direct message saying you are from the respective community to follow back.

That’s when you can start a conversation with them if you have similar interests.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can use following communities to follow to make friends on Instagram:

  1. For this example, use r/Followback.
  2. Sign up for a Reddit account and log in.
  3. Post your Instagram link to r/Followback.
  4. Follow others in your niche on Instagram.
  5. Send them a direct message saying you’re from Reddit to follow back.

Using this process, you can potentially get 10 to 20 quality followers per day.

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There are some people who have made really great connections from these communities.

Furthermore, your engagement rate will increase if you are following people in your niche.

However, there are certain limitations you will have to be aware of.

Do not follow or direct message others more than once as you may be blocked from acting by Instagram.

If you happen to be blocked from action, you will normally have to wait 24 hours for it to be removed.

So, instead of following or directly messaging the other person over and over again, do so at intervals.

The best interval is to follow and direct message others every 10 minutes.

In other words, every 10 minutes you should be following and direct messaging a person.

This will prevent your account from being blocked by Instagram.

2. Reply to the story

Quick response on Instagram

Replying to a message is probably one of the most effective ways to start a conversation with someone on Instagram.

This is because stories act as a context where you can create responses based on what they’ve posted.

Replying to someone’s story is a great way to start an Instagram conversation.

Stories act as context—meaning you don’t have to think hard about your message.

You should try not to send someone a direct message without context as you will most likely not get a reply.

Since Instagram stories are posted in the last 24 hours, any photo or video someone posts to their story is very recent.

Therefore, there are many things that you can talk about.

Plus, you’re more likely to get a response by replying to someone’s story than by sending them a direct message.

Sending someone a direct message is much harder because just saying “hello” won’t work.

Instagram Stories make it easier to start a conversation with someone because you simply reply to a photo or video they’ve posted.

Furthermore, when someone asks a question in their story, you can answer that question.

If someone asks a question about their story, they are inviting others to answer that question.

Overall, replying to someone’s story is a great way to start an Instagram conversation.

So if you’re looking to make friends on Instagram, you can start by replying to someone’s story.

3. Ask questions about your story

Instagram create stories

Are you the type of person who doesn’t like sending the first message?

If you are too lazy to reply to stories, you can post your own story.

That way, people can respond instead of you responding to theirs.

Asking questions in your story is a great way to get a lot of feedback.

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You will be amazed at the number of responses you get when asking questions in your stories.

A lot of Instagram conversations start with a story.

The general idea is that the more stories you post, the more likely someone will respond to them.

However, to get someone to reply to your story, it needs to intrigue them.

Your story needs to be compelling enough for people to respond to it.

A simple way to do that is to ask a question in your story.

You can ask questions by adding text to your story.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how you can do so:

  1. Tap the camera icon at the top left of Instagram’s homepage.
  2. Tap create (on the left sidebar).
  3. Enter your question.
  4. Add it to your story.

Ask a question in your story openly inviting people to answer it.

You will be surprised by the amount of feedback you will get if you do so.

If you post a normal story, people will naturally tap right to go to the next story.

However, if there is a question in a story, some people will stop and read the question.

If it intrigues them, they will respond to it with an answer.

4. Interact with other people’s posts

Instagram white heart

The fourth way is to interact with other people’s posts.

You can do so by regularly liking or commenting on posts by someone you’re following.

When you like someone’s posts regularly, they may start to notice you.

But if you really want to get someone’s attention, you can comment something positive on their post.

Every time that person posts something, you can comment on something cool about it.

If you do, they are more likely to reply to you if you send them a message.

Consistent engagement with posts from people you’re following will also benefit your account.

When you like someone’s post, you are no longer listed as a ghost follower.

That way, people are less likely to unfollow you.

Please do your best to like and reply to every comment you receive.

Also, whenever you receive a comment or message, you should do your best to reply to all of them.

This shows that you care about your followers and they will be more inclined to engage with your posts.

5. Follow each other

Mutual followers on Instagram

The ultimate way to make friends on Instagram is to follow each other.

Mutuals are people that are followed by the person you are following.

If someone has a lot of connections in common, there’s a good chance you might know them too.

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Mutuals are people that are followed by one or more users that you are following.

Following each other is a great way to increase your connection on Instagram as they are more likely to follow you back.

Following each other is a great way to increase your connections on Instagram.

This is because reciprocal people are more likely to follow you back than non-reciprocal people.

Instagram has a feature where you can see how many followers a user has.

You can see how many followers someone has from the phrase “Followed By” under their bio.

For example, if a user is followed by 10 people you’re following, you’ll see the phrase “Followed by x and 10 others” in their bio.

That’s when you can tell that person may know some of the people you’re following.

Therefore, if you follow them, they have a high chance of following you back.

You can find people who have a lot in common by checking out the “Recommended for you” and “Discover people” sections of Instagram.

To find the “Recommended to you” section, go to someone’s profile and tap the down arrow icon.

Otherwise, the “Discover People” section is on the menu in your profile.

Using these few sections, you can find many users who have many followers of each other.

Then follow as many of those users as you can and some of them will follow you back.


In this article, you learned 5 ways to make friends on Instagram.

In summary, here are some key points:

  • Join the track to follow the community.
  • Respond to someone’s story.
  • Post a story with a question.

Remember, try not to send someone a direct message without context.

Instead, look for opportunities to send a direct message as you’re more likely to get a response that way.

Read more

> How to grow a personal account on Instagram: Step by step guide

> Why can’t I see my follow list on Instagram?

> What does sdv mean on Instagram?

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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