How to Know If You Are Shadowbanned on Instagram

Do you want to know if you are hidden on Instagram?

If you’ve recently discovered a sudden and severe drop in your Instagram reach or engagement, you may have been overshadowed.

Many Instagram users face this problem and it is very annoying.

You may have a lot of interaction one day and little interaction another day.

As a result, your engagement rate can range from extremely high to extremely low.

In this article, I will explain what Shadowban is, how to tell if you have Shadowban on Instagram, and how to fix it.

Table of contents

1. How does the Instagram algorithm work?

2. What is a shadow ban?

3. How to know if you are hidden on Instagram?

4. Why am I getting Shadowban?

5. How to fix the shadow ban?

6. Prevent the ban on darkness

7. Conclusion

How does the Instagram algorithm work?

Before I go into the details of the shadow ban, you need to have a rough idea of ​​how the Instagram algorithm works.

In the past, Instagram used to show posts chronologically on your feed. Currently, Instagram only shows posts chronologically if you’ve liked each post on your feed.

Here are more details on how the algorithm works.

When you post something, Instagram first shows your post to your most ‘loyal’ followers (the ones most likely to engage).

And if they do engage, it sends a signal to Instagram that your content is quality.

As a result, your posts will begin to rank higher on the feeds of your remaining followers, and the process will repeat.

The algorithm works this way because Instagram wants to make sure that the content you just posted is engaging and of high quality.

That way, Instagram knows that people will like your content and rate it higher to keep users in the app.

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This algorithm is also part of Instagram’s solution to combat spam.

If you spam or post a poor piece of content, people are less likely to engage. With this in mind, Instagram can easily detect that the content is not of quality and continue to bring your posts down someone’s feed.

What is a shadow ban?

Instagram Shadowban is a ban on hiding your posts from showing up on hashtags lists. In other words, this hides your content from new people.

A shadow ban can also cause your username to drop down the search list when someone tries to find you on Instagram. This usually happens if you broke one of Instagram’s guidelines or someone reported you.

However, your followers can still see your most recent posts on their feed.

How to know if you’re hidden on Instagram?

First, your reach will drop massively (e.g. from 10,000 reach to 100).

If your reach drops from 10,000 to 8,000 or 7,000 it’s not a shadow ban. It just means that you posted something below average.

Here are some steps you can take to know/check your shadow ban status:

1. Post something and use multiple hashtags.

First, post something to your main account and add a few hashtags to your caption/comment. Make sure to use the uncommon hashtags (e.g. #test123) so your posts can be easily accessed in the recents section later.

If you use a popular hashtag like #love, your post will be dwarfed by other posts and it will be harder for you to find it in the recent section.

2. Create an alternate account.

The next thing you want to do is create an alternative account if you don’t already have one.

Make sure the alternate account doesn’t follow the main account you just posted on.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to check if you’re covered.

3. Using an alternate account, search for a hashtag you used and check if the post is in the ‘recent’ section.

Finally, use an alternate account to search for the hashtag you used on your most recent post (from your main account).

Then navigate to the ‘recent’ section of the hashtag and check if the post is there.

If the post is in the ‘recent’ section, your account is not obscured.

However, if the post is not in the ‘recent’ section, your account will be banned.

4. Search for your username with an alternate account

Another way you can check your shadow ban status is to search for your username on Instagram with an alternate account.

First, search for your username with an alternate account. Make sure your primary non-following account.

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Then check if your main account is at the top of the search results.

If your primary account isn’t at the top of the search results when you enter the correct username, that account will be banned.

Why am I Shadowbanned?

Shadowban can happen due to many reasons.

Here are all the known reasons.

1. You have used one or more banned hashtags

If you used a banned hashtag, Instagram may ban your account.

Certain hashtags are banned because most of its content violates Instagram’s guidelines.

This means that people using these hashtags often post inappropriate content.

So if you used a banned hashtag on your post, Instagram will mark your post as ‘spam’ and your account may be banned from following.

To check if hashtags are banned, just search for hashtags on Instagram.

If hashtags are banned, you’ll see this message:

“Recent posts from # are currently hidden because the community has reported some content that may violate Instagram’s community guidelines.”

Do not use hashtags if you see this message.

2. You used too many hashtags

How many are too many hashtags?

Typically, the maximum number of hashtags you should include in a post is 30 hashtags.

If more than that and Instagram may ban your account.

3. Someone reported your post/story

If your story/post receives one or more reports and is found to be in violation of Instagram’s guidelines, you may be banned from following.

To avoid reporting, make sure you follow Instagram’s guidelines.

Do not post something that violates Instagram’s guidelines, or Instagram may ban you.

If your post/story is reported too many times, your account is at risk of being deleted.

How to fix the shadow ban?

So now that you know what a shadow ban is, how are you going to fix it?

Here are a few ways you can try to get around the shadow ban.

1. Wait

This is the most boring solution to getting around the shadow ban, but it’s the most guaranteed one.

So how long does the ban on the ball last?

A shadow ban can last from a few days to a maximum of two weeks.

So your best bet is to wait for the shadow ban to be lifted naturally.

2. Promote your Instagram posts

The next method you can try is to pay a few dollars to promote one of your posts on Instagram.

If you pay for Instagram ads, even if it’s just a few dollars, it’s in their best interest to take care of their paying customers.

Then your shadow ban can be lifted.

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However, it may still take a few days for it to be completely lifted.

Stop the ban on darkness

Here are some ways to prevent the shadow ban.

1. Do not use the same hashtags

If you are using the same hashtag for multiple posts in a row, you should change them.

Instagram may ban you from following because it looks like spam if you use the same hashtags multiple times.

Instead of using the same hashtag over and over, try using different (smaller and targeted) tags.

The main reason for a shadow ban has always been punishment for violating community guidelines.

2. Do not use prohibited hashtags

Now this is simple.

Do not use prohibited hashtags in any of your posts, or your account will be marked as spam.

Instead, use hashtags that are relevant to what you’re posting.

3. Stop using third-party apps/tools

The next step is to remove any third-party apps/tools that are not certified by Instagram.

Bots/automators violate Instagram’s Terms of Service because they allow you to take faster actions (e.g. like, comment).

To remove any existing or pre-existing third-party apps/tools, simply change your Instagram password and you’ll be signed out of all those apps/tools.


The best way to prevent a shadow ban is to not violate Instagram’s guidelines.

Be sure to take a few minutes to read Instagram’s TOU (Terms of Use) and guidelines to make sure your content is compliant.

In short, a shadow ban drastically reduces reach and engagement.

If your reach and engagement fluctuate slightly, chances are you’re not covered. It is due to ‘seasonality’ or your content is too poor compared to others.

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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