How to Find Someone on Instagram Without an Account

Looking to find someone on Instagram without an account?

Maybe you want to find your friends or an Instagram celebrity.

But you don’t want to use an Instagram account to do so.

In this article, you’ll learn three different ways to find someone on Instagram without an account.

The only prerequisite that you need is a web browser.

Table of contents

  1. Enter their Instagram link on the web
  2. Search for their Instagram username on Google
  3. Search their Instagram name on Google
  4. Conclusion

1. Enter their Instagram link on the web.

Instagram network

The first way to find someone on Instagram without an account is to enter their Instagram link on the web.

Each profile on Instagram has its own link.

The username is always at the end of the link (also known as a URL slug).

For example, if you want to find our Instagram page, you can search on your web browser.

This will open our Instagram profile.

The idea here is to enter the person’s Instagram link on a web browser to access their profile.

You can use a mobile browser (e.g. Safari) or a desktop browser (e.g. IE).

For this method to work, you need to know the username of the person you’re trying to find on Instagram.

However, for this method to work, you need to know the person’s Instagram username.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to find them via their Instagram link.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Go to a web browser (e.g. Safari).
  2. Enter (username is the username of the person you are looking for).
  3. Enter the link in the search bar to access their profile.

Using this method, you can find anyone on Instagram without an account.

But again, you need to know their Instagram username first.

In case you don’t know their username, you can try using the last method.

2. Search for their Instagram username on Google

how to find someone on instagram without an account

The next method is to search for their Instagram username on Google.

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This will show their Instagram profile on Google Search Results.

If you know the person’s username, you can search it on Google by keyword, “Instagram”.

You can then click on it to access their profile without having to log in on Instagram.

In other words, you should be able to bypass the Instagram login screen on the web.

For example, if you want to search our Instagram page, you can search “Followchain Instagram” on Google.

Google Search: Instagram Follower Chain

This query will bring up the Instagram Followchain page.

Using the same method, you can search for anyone’s Instagram account without having to have one yourself by entering their username followed by Instagram on Google.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Go to google.
  2. Search for “Instagram username” (username is the person’s username).
  3. In most cases, you should be able to find their Instagram page in the first few results.

In most cases, you can find someone’s Instagram by searching for their username, then entering the keyword “Instagram” on Google.

However, you need to know the person’s username for this method to work.

If you don’t know the username of the person you’re trying to find, you can use the next method.

3. Search their Instagram name on Google

how to find someone on instagram by name

The final method to find someone on Instagram without an account is to search for their name on Google.

You can use this method if you don’t know the username of the person you are looking for.

If you don’t know the person’s username, you can search for their name on Google, then enter the keyword “Instagram”.

To find someone on Instagram without an account, you can search “their name” + “Instagram” on Google.

This will show the person’s Instagram if they’ve added their name to the profile.

For example, if you want to search for someone named Jane Doe on Instagram, you can search for “Jane Doe Instagram” on Google.

The search results will include everyone who has “Jane Doe” on their Instagram profile.

However, this method will only work if the person has already added their name to their profile.

Otherwise, Google won’t be able to get their records.

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Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Go to google.
  2. Search for their name followed by the keyword, “Instagram”.
  3. If the person has added their name to their Instagram profile, you’ll be able to find them from the search results.

This method is especially useful if you want to find someone on Instagram without knowing their username.

Google search results will show the person’s name and Instagram username.

Example search results: Followchain (@followchainorg).

Followchain is the person’s name and @followchain is their Instagram username.

With this, you can easily find someone from the title of the search results.

Once you find a title with the right name and their Instagram username, clicking on it will take you to their Instagram profile.

Therefore, you don’t need an account to find someone on Instagram if you’re using this method.

Frequently asked questions

Can you search Instagram without an account?

Yes, you can search for Instagram without an account by searching for someone’s Instagram link in a browser.

To get started, search for someone’s Instagram link in your browser (example:

When you enter someone’s Instagram link on your browser, you’ll be able to access Instagram without having to log in.

Once you’re on their profile, you can use Instagram’s search bar to search for others.

Alternatively, you can bypass the Instagram login screen by searching for someone’s Instagram username/name on Google.

For example, you can search for “Jane Doe Instagram” on Google.

Then, click on the first search result that appears and you can access Instagram without having to log in.

How to see someone’s Instagram without an account?

You can view someone’s Instagram without an account by entering their Instagram link in a browser.

For example, if you want to find someone whose username is “followchainorg”, you can enter their Instagram link in the browser.

The Instagram link is followed by the person’s username.

In this case, just type in your browser to see their Instagram.

Alternatively, you can search for someone’s name/username by keyword “Instagram” on Google to find their Instagram.

If you use this method, the Google search results pages will contain the person’s Instagram.

How to find someone on Instagram by name?

To find someone on Instagram by name, you can search for their name on Instagram or use Google search.

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For starters, you can try searching for the person’s full name on Instagram.

Searching for someone’s full name is the best way you can find someone on Instagram because it’s so specific.

However, they need to add their full name on Instagram for this feature to work.

But if they don’t add their full name, you can try to find them from one of their friends’ profiles.

If you happen to follow one of his or her friends on Instagram, you can search for their name in their friends’ watchlists.

There is a high chance that one of their friends has been following them.

Alternatively, you can use Google to find someone on Instagram by name.

Just enter their name along with the keyword, “Instagram”.

For example, if you want to find someone named “Jane Doe”, search for the term “Jane Doe Instagram” on Google.

You will have a high chance of finding their Instagram that way.


In this article, you learned how to find someone on Instagram without an account.

In a nutshell, here are two ways you can do this:

  1. Enter their Instagram link on the web (e.g.
  2. Search for their name/username along with the keyword, “Instagram” on Google.

Using some of these methods, you can access someone’s Instagram profile without having to log in.

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Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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