How to Fix “Try Again Later” on Instagram

Do you get the “Try again later” error on Instagram?

If you did, you might be wondering why you got the error and how to fix it.

The message “Try again later. We restrict certain activities to protect our community. Let us know if we think we made a mistake” appeared in mid-2020 after an update.

Many Instagram users have encountered this error before and there are many forum discussions about this error.

It’s extremely frustrating because the “Tell us” button doesn’t help at all.

Furthermore, the error message didn’t say how long it lasted.

If this is the first time you’ve encountered this error, don’t panic—there are many solutions you can try to fix it.

In this article, you’ll learn why you’re getting the “Try again” error on Instagram, how to fix it, and more.

  • Why am I getting a “Try again later” error on Instagram?
  • How to fix “Try again later” error on Instagram
  • How to prevent “Try again later” error

Why am I getting a “Try again later” error on Instagram?

Try again later on Instagram

You got the “Try again later” error on Instagram because you used a third-party app or automation tool.

Otherwise, it could be because you did things too quickly (e.g. like, comment, follow) or a glitch.

If you perform actions too quickly on Instagram (manually or using a third-party automated tool/app), you will get a “Try again later” error.

Instagram has a lot of spam control features in the app.

Blocks like “Try again later” errors exist to minimize spam and automate in-app.

Otherwise, people will be able to abuse the actions at an uncontrollable rate.

After each update, Instagram imposes more types of blocking to prevent users from using third-party tools to their advantage.

However, some people who are using the app normally may also be blocked.

There are many users who are blocked from taking action even though they are not using a third-party tool.

Unfortunately, if you are one of those users, you still have to go through the same process as people who have used these tools.

How to fix “Try again later” error on Instagram

To fix the “Try again later” error on Instagram, you can try logging in and out of the app, changing your password, waiting, or removing the link in your profile.

“Try again later” errors typically last between 24 and 48 hours.

These methods have been tested by others who claim to have worked for them.

Although the only legitimate way to fix the error is to wait, the other two methods also work perfectly.

Logging in and out of the app and changing your password are the two most discussed solutions on the web.

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Waiting is also a possible solution as the “Try again later” error is not permanent.

Blocks on Instagram are temporary, so most will eventually remove themselves.

If you are not in a hurry to take actions, you can wait for the error message to go away.

Here’s how you can implement these methods.

1. Sign out and in

How to fix Try again later on Instagram

Navigate to your Instagram profile > sign out of Instagram > clear cache > sign in.

Logging out and signing in to your account can help fix the “Try again later” error on Instagram.

If the problem persists for a long time (e.g. more than 3 days), you can try to sign out of your account and sign in again to get rid of the error.

However, you need to make sure to clear the app cache before logging in again.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Sign out of your Instagram account from profile > menu > settings > sign out.
  2. Clear Instagram cache by navigating to settings > storage > more apps > Instagram > clear cache for Android devices and reinstall Instagram for iOS devices.
  3. Re-login to Instagram.

Once you’ve cleared Instagram’s cache and logged back in, the “Try again later” message will be removed.

A lot of users have confirmed that logging out and in to Instagram fixed the error, so this is the first method that you should try.

Moreover, logging out and in to Instagram is very easy.

However, you should not log out and log into Instagram too often, as that may cause another error.

So if logging out and in to your account doesn’t fix the error, don’t try again.

Otherwise, you may be temporarily locked out of your account.

If it doesn’t work, you can try using the next method instead.

2. Change password

Change Instagram password

The second method to fix the “Try again later” error is to change your Instagram password.

Changing your Instagram password will log you out of most third-party automated apps and tools.

Therefore, the error will be removed after you change your password.

Many users have stated that changing their password helped get rid of the error message.

There are two ways you can use to reset your Instagram password.

You can reset your password within the app itself or by logging out and selecting “Forgot password?”.

If you can’t reset your password in the Instagram app, use the option “Forgot password?” options on the login screen.

Here’s how you can reset your password in the app:

  1. Navigate to your profile > menu > settings > security > password.
  2. Enter the current password, the new password, and re-enter the new password.

After changing your password, you may need to log back into Instagram

If you are unable to reset your Instagram password in the app, you must do so on the login screen as follows:

  1. Sign out of your Instagram account from profile > menu > settings > sign out.
  2. Select “Forgot Password”?
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

After you sign in to Instagram with your new password, the “Try again later” error should go away.

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3. Wait

How long does “try again later” last on Instagram?

Third, you can wait for the “Try again later” error to be cleared.

This error usually lasts for about 24 to 48 hours.

All blocks on Instagram are temporary and not permanent, so the final error will be removed after a while.

It should be noted that the “Try again later” error is different from the “Action Block” error on Instagram.

There are 3 different types of action blocks and one of them shows an expiration date.

However, the “Try again later” error does not have an expiration date, so it is uncertain when the blocking will end.

One user mentioned that the bug lasted about 5 days before it was removed.

Another user said that the error message lasted only a few hours.

Error times vary from account to account, so you will have to be patient and wait for the error to be removed.

I personally had this error once before and it only lasted for a few hours before it was removed.

4. Remove the link in your bio

Instagram remove link in bio

Navigate to your Instagram profile > edit profile > remove link > done.

Finally, you can try removing the link in your profile.

Some links are banned on Instagram and you may be blocked from acting for them.

If you have Linktree, AllMyLinks, etc links in your profile, you need to remove them.

This also applies to any other links.

Some Redditors have mentioned that removing the link in their bio will get rid of the “Try again later” error on Instagram.

Therefore, if you have a link in your bio, removing it might just be the trick.

How to prevent “Try again later” error

To avoid the “Try again later” error on Instagram, you need to avoid excessive following/unfollowing users, stop using third-party apps or tools, and reduce the rate of likes/comments.

The root cause of most action blocks on Instagram is that you perform a repetitive action.

For example, if you follow a lot of people continuously, Instagram will temporarily block you for spam.

This is similar to liking a bunch of posts or unfollowing multiple people at once.

Basically, if you want to prevent action blocks like the “Try again later” error on Instagram, you have to take actions like a human.

This means taking actions at a slow/moderate pace.

Here’s what you need to do in detail.

1. Avoid excessive following/unfollowing users

The first step to preventing “Try Again” errors on Instagram is to avoid excessive following/unfollowing users.

If you follow or unfollow a user too quickly, you may get a “Try again later” error.

Instead of following/unfollowing users excessively, do it at intervals.

Follow/unfollow users at intervals instead of continuously.

A good interval is to follow or unfollow one user per minute.

Also, you have to watch out for Instagram follow/unfollow limits.

As a general rule, you should aim to follow or unfollow no more than 200 users per day.

Otherwise, you will be temporarily blocked from performing these actions.

2. Stop using third-party apps or tools

Next, you must stop using third-party automation tools or apps.

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Remove third-party apps or automation tools through your settings.

Third-party automation tools and apps let you do things faster than usual.

As a result, Instagram will be able to detect this and apply an action block to your account.

You can get rid of third-party apps or tools by revoking them on the Instagram app.

Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the menu.
  2. Tap Settings, then scroll down and tap Security.
  3. Select “Apps and Websites” > Active > Remove all unwanted third-party apps/tools.

Alternatively, you can change your Instagram password. This password will log you out of any third-party apps or automation tools.

3. Slow down likes/comments

Finally, you need to reduce the rate of likes and comments on posts.

Like and comment on posts from time to time.

It’s very unlikely to be blocked from liking or commenting on a post.

However, it can happen, and you must make sure to slow down your operations to avoid getting the “Try again later” error.

Instead of liking and commenting over and over on posts, do them at intervals.

A good interval is to comment on a post every 5 to 10 minutes.

How long does “try again later” last on Instagram?

“Try again later” errors typically last 24 to 48 hours.

The duration of the error varies from account to account.

Some users said the error was fixed in a few hours, while others mentioned that it took days, even weeks.

However, if the error message persists for more than 48 hours, you should try signing out of your account, clearing Instagram’s cache, and signing back in.

Does the Instagram block expire?

Yes, Instagram blocking rules will eventually expire.

All Instagram blocks are temporary and will be removed after a while.

Some blocks last for several hours, while others are unloaded after a few days.

final thought

In this article, you learned 4 simple ways to fix the error message, how to prevent it, and other frequently asked questions.

“Try again later” error recovery methods and error duration have been verified through first-hand experience.

In short, if you are currently facing the message “Try again later. We restrict certain activities to protect our community. Let us know if we think we made a mistake” on Instagram, which is not permanent.

It can be fixed using the methods listed in this article.

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Categories: Social Media

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