Andrew Tate Arrested Video

Media personality Andrew Tate was recently raided and arrested by Romanian Police after he returned to Romania.

Apparently, they were arrested for alleged human trafficking.

This is the second time their mansion has been raided due to an allegation.

The first time they were raided was years ago when one of the girls in Tate’s mansion told her boyfriend that she was being held against her will.

However, after the police searched their home and found nothing, they apologized for the inconvenience and left.

According to CCTV footage, the girl is seen walking out of the house and receiving a pizza.

This time, however, it is unknown who alerted the Romanian police to raid their home.

Video of Andrew Tate’s arrest

Andrew and Tristan Tate were recently arrested at their villa in Romania for alleged human trafficking.

They were detained by police for questioning and are not currently charged.

Video footage of their arrest has been leaked on social media platforms like YouTube.

The entire video has more than 126,000 views on YouTube and the police wear BSIJ (Brigada Specială de Intervenție a Jandarmeriei) uniforms.

The BSIJ is a Romanian special operations force named “Vlad Țepeș”.

This happened by chance after the exchange of Greta Thunberg and Andrew Tate on Twitter.

Andrew posted a tweet and asked for Greta’s email address so he could send her a list of his car collection and their respective emissions.

Greta responded with an ad*ck joke and her tweet has more than 230 million views.

Andrew then made a video responding to Greta talking bad while a pizza box was on display.

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Pizza box with the logo of the Romanian pizzeria chain (Jerry’s Pizza).

As a joke, the user said that the Romanian police knew that the Tate brothers had returned to Romania for the pizza box and had raided them.

this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza box

– Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) December 30, 2022

Greta responded to Tate’s arrest by tweeting “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza box”.

The tweet received more than 340k likes in less than an hour.

After their arrest, “Free Top G” was trending on Twitter.

In addition, the news spread on other social networking platforms such as TikTok.

At the time of this writing, the Tate brothers have not been charged and there is no evidence that they are guilty of human trafficking.

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