Aggregate Music, Video & Pictures in Windows 7 Using Library

One of the really useful but underrated features of Windows 7 is the ability to aggregate music, videos, pictures, and documents in a single interface using Libraries. In this article, we will explore this feature of Windows 7 and learn how to make the most of it.

What are Libraries in Windows 7?

Windows 7 introduced this new tool called Libraries to help users aggregate unsorted data contained in different folders at different locations in the computer and also outside the computer in a network drive or USB drive.

So, for example, if you have photos of your family’s recent trip to the hills in different folders and devices like USB drives and family members’ computers, the best way to aggregate them (as long as they connect to the same homegroup) is to create a library and include all the folders containing those photos. This saves time that you would otherwise have invested in collating those snapshots by copying or other methods.

Create and Customize Libraries in Windows 7

Let’s see how to access default libraries and how to create new ones.

Simply typing Library in the Start search bar will take you to the corresponding location. The default interface has 4 libraries of documents, music, pictures and videos.


Each gallery will display the number of slots it includes. In the following screenshot you can see that my photo library includes 1 location. Clicking that link opens a window where I can add more folders.


You can easily add more folders, whether they’re on your computer or on a separate device like a USB drive, to the library.

See more:  How to Save a TikTok Draft Video in Gallery


If you want to create a custom library, you can do that by right-clicking anywhere on the Libraries window, then clicking New->Library.


The new library can now be filled with folders of photos, documents, videos… whatever you want.


So that’s how you modify an existing Library and create a new Library. If you work on multiple projects then you may want to have a Library for each project so that you organize information in one place.

Things you should know about libraries

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Deleting a library will not remove folders from their original locations, but if you delete files or folders contained in a library, they will also be removed from their original location.
  • You can search the Library and also sort the data by folder, month, day, etc.
  • Friend cannot include folders on removable media such as CD/DVD in the Library. External USB drives should work though.

It’s about Windows 7 Libraries and how they work. We will talk more about them in future articles and see what else can be done with them.

If you have not started using this feature of Windows 7, it is recommended to start now. If you’re using Libraries and know a thing or two about them that Tech Guide readers can benefit from, feel free to take advantage of our comments section to share your knowledge. ????

Categories: How to

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