How to Make Safari or Opera As Your Default Browser

Yesterday we talked about manually changing the default browser and I showed how we can set Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer as the default browser without restarting them.

Today, we will see how to set Safari or Opera as your default browser. The scenario remains the same – you used Safari or Opera as the default, and some changes to the system caused another browser (like Chrome or IE) to set itself as the default. So now you need to change it back to the way it was.

Make Safari your default browser

To make Safari the default, you need to go to its Preferences first.


In the General section you will find the Default Web Browser option and a drop-down menu to choose the default browser. What’s unique here is that it lists all the browsers installed in your system and you can choose any of them as your default browser.


Make Opera your default browser

In Opera, the browser option is found under Settings under Menu preferences.


Here you need to go to the Advanced tab and click on Programs. You should see a checkbox that says Check if Opera is the default browser on startup. Check it, click OK and restart the browser. It will ask if you want to make it the default. Click Yes.


Unlike other browsers where a reboot is not required to make them default, in Opera I can’t find a way to do that..unless you select Opera in the default web browser menu in Safari’s preferences. ????

Categories: How to

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