4 Ways to Read and Save Twitter Threads as a PDF or an Article

The process of maintaining context continuity from tweet to tweet to convey a lot of information has been made possible by streams. And over the past few years, it has become more popular than ever. If you are a fan of Twitter topics but want to read them in a more organized way, you should consider saving Twitter threads as PDF.

While you can still use Twitter bookmarks to save threads, you may not be satisfied with its readability. Especially if you are a blog reader, you will appreciate reading the information in the Twitter thread in a similar way. Therefore, we have discovered four ways to save Twitter threads as a PDF or read it as an article using third-party services. Let’s get started.

1. Use the Topic Reader

The Thread Reader app is a free web app that allows you to read your favorite Twitter topics as blogs or even save them as PDFs. All you need to do is copy the link of the first tweet of the thread and paste it into the app. Here’s how to use the app on any of your web browsers.

Step 2: Click ‘Copy link to Tweet’.

Step 1: Go to Twitter and open the first Tweet of the thread on Twitter. Click the Share button.

Step 3: Now, visit Thread Reader official website using below link.

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Step 4: Paste the link into the box provided by Theme Reader. Click Find Unscroll.

Step 5: You will be redirected to a new page where you can read the thread or save the Twitter thread as a PDF document.

2. Use Ping . Themes

Ping Thread is also another simple website that allows you to paste the link for a Twitter thread and read it as an article. We found the site to be even better than the previous option because it seemed simpler with fewer ads. Here’s how to use the tool.

Step 1: Go to Twitter and open the first Tweet of the topic you want to read. Click the Share button.

Step 2: Click ‘Copy link to Tweet’.

Step 3: Visit Ping Thread’s official website.

Step 4: Paste the link in the field provided. Click Find Topic.

That’s it – you can now read the Twitter thread as an article on your web browser.

3. Convert Twitter Themes to PDF

As an alternative to the above two methods, you can also easily convert Twitter strings to PDF using the print option. However, we only recommend doing this if you cannot use the above two methods. That’s because when you try to print a web page, there may be some issues related to the continuity of the content.

We have covered instructions for printing Twitter series as PDF on Microsoft Edge. However, the steps are still the same for other web browsers.

Step 1: Go to Twitter and load the Twitter theme on your web browser.

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Step 2: Click the three-dot icon on the web browser’s toolbar and click Print.

Step 3: Click More Settings.

Step 4: Adjust the scale so that the entire web page is displayed.

Step 5: Furthermore, check the box for Background graphics.

Step 6: Click Save.

The theme will now be downloaded and saved as a PDF on your system. You can open it and read it anytime you want.

4. Awesome Themes

While the above methods focus on reading Twitter threads that appear on your feed, what if you are looking for good Twitter threads to read? That’s where AwesomeThread comes in. You can discover new and trending Twitter topics among many categories and then read them as one article.

You can access AwesomeThread using the link below.

That’s it – that’s all you need to know about saving Twitter threads as PDF or reading them as an article. If you have any other questions, check out the FAQ section below.

Frequently Asked Questions about Twitter Threads

1. How many tweets can you add to a Twitter thread?

You can add up to 25 tweets in a Twitter thread.

2. Can you bookmark an entire Twitter thread?

Yes, if you save the first tweet of a thread, you can easily access it in Bookmarks.

3. Do the above methods work on iOS and Android?

Yes, you can also use the above methods to save a Twitter thread as a PDF on iPhone and Android.

Twitter topic is now Blog

We hope this article helped you save and read Twitter threads in a much better way. As a regular user of Twitter, topics have been a great trend so far. However, we do wish Twitter would introduce a feature that would allow the in-app reader mode to read a thread. With Elon Musk on the throne and the platform improving, we can also hope for this feature!

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Having trouble accessing your Twitter links? See this article to fix Twitter links not opening in Chrome and Safari.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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