What is Auto-GPT and How to Use It for Free

We knew some or the other day we’d be talking about AI turning mainstream, but we didn’t think it would be this soon. Thanks to OpenAI for making the large language model GPT-3 into a publicly usable chatbot, there’s a rapid rise in AI products today. Therefore, there’s a new buzzword we come across every day in the world of AI. In this article, we’re focusing on Auto-GPT and how you can use it for free.

There’s an AI tool today to help you automate everything. From generating text to stunning graphics and images. So, the onus is on helping ourselves to use these tools in the best possible way. Knowing how to use AI and GPT is quite a practical skill, and this is where Auto-GPT comes in. It helps you automate the process of using an AI. Yes, automating the process of automation.

What is Auto-GPT

A few months ago, OpenAI launched its large language models – GPT-3 and GPT-4 for public use in a chatbot called ChatGPT. ChatGPT helps you accomplish a task as you converse with prompts. However, complex tasks like building a full-fledged website require a lot of back and forth and more than just a prompt or two on ChatGPT.

So, Auto-GPT was born to help a user simplify the process with a single prompt.

Once you provide Auto-GPT with a set of initial instructions, it uses OpenAI’s API to access and converse with the large language models (GPT-3 or GPT-4) and further uses additional tools to accomplish the task at hand – all of this while you watch!

Auto-GPT combines the power of the GPT tools along with other available tools to ensure it provides an output for your instructions in the best way possible – with minimal human interference.

How Does Auto-GPT Work

Sharing is caring – is the motto that OpenAI seems to live by. OpenAI permits the use and integration of its products and services onto other tools to supercharge their functionality. This is possible because OpenAI shares its API with developers which helps integrate the features of one piece of software onto another.

You need to first name your Auto-GPT agent and then provide up to five goals for your project. Auto-GPT breaks down your instructions on its own and creates multiple tasks that have to be executed. Next, Auto-GPT organizes these tasks into a sequence according to priority. The tasks are then executed and provide you with the output.

In today’s world, Auto-GPT is mostly a name given to a tool that uses GPT to automatically execute tasks. There are several Auto-GPT tools you can use which we shall explore in a later section. But how is it even different from the existing ChatGPT tool?

How is Auto-GPT Different From ChatGPT

Here are some of the key differences between ChatGPT vs. Auto-GPT :

  • Access to Newer Data: ChatGPT is trained using data up to 2021 only. However, Auto-GPT can use the web to reference and use data that is up to date.
  • More Autonomy: For the same task, ChatGPT requires more prompts, and back and forth, whereas Auto-GPT requires mostly a single prompt with instructions to complete your goal.
  • Better Memory Management: Auto-GPT uses vector databases that overcome the memory limitations of ChatGPT.
  • Access to External Apps and Services: Auto-GPT can leverage third-party apps and services to complete tasks.
  • Image Functionalities: Auto-GPT can provide image and visual output, unlike ChatGPT which is only restricted to a text-based output.
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How to Manually Install and Use Auto-GPT

Here’s how you can install and use Auto-GPT on your desktop using an OpenAI API key.

Step 1: Before you begin the procedure to install Auto-GPT, you must install Python and GIT and add them to PATH.

Step 2: Download the Auto-GPT source code developed by Significant Gravitas using the link below.

Step 3: Extract the downloaded folder. Open the folder and copy the Auto-GPT folder into any desired folder.

Step 4: Open the copied folder, right-click on the ‘.env.template’ file, and click on Open with.

Step 5: Select Notepad.

Step 6: Now, you need to download the OpenAI API Key. Go to OpenAI’s website on your web browser.

Step 7: Log in with your OpenAI account or create one if you do not have an existing account.

Step 8: Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select ‘View API keys’.

Step 9: Click on the ‘Create new secret key’ button. This will generate an API Key.

Create New Secret Key

Step 10: You will get an option to name the API key and once it is previewed to you, click on the copy icon.

Click on Copy API Key

Step 11: Replace the highlighted text in the file opened in Notepad with the API key.

Step 12: Save the file.

Step 13: Now, rename the file to just ‘.env’.

Step 14: Now, copy the path of the folder.

Step 15: Open Command Prompt as administrator. Type cd and paste the copied path file.

Step 16: Now, enter the below command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 17: Once the above command is executed, execute the below command to start Auto-GPT.

python -m autogpt

Step 18: Now, you can start using Auto-GPT by describing what you want to do.

Auto-GPT will provide a detailed description of everything it is doing, and will soon output the result.

The next time you want to access Auto-GPT, all you need to do is to open CMD as an administrator and paste the path of the Auto-GPT folder following the python -m autogpt command.

So, that’s how you can use Auto-GPT on your device offline. However, the process can be complicated. So, if you want something simpler, we suggest using AgentGPT which is similar to Auto-GPT but lacks its advanced features. Here’s how to use it.

Auto-GPT for Free on the Web: How to Use AgentGPT

AgentGPT is a free Auto-GPT tool that you can use on your web browser. You can access AgentGPT on your desktop as well as your smartphone. Here’s how you can use the tool. While there are more complex tools available, AgentGPT is a good introduction to Auto-GPT and its capabilities.

Step 1: Visit the official website of AgentGPT.

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Step 2: Click on the sign-in button on the sidebar. Once you sign in, you can start using AgentGPT.

Step 3: AgentGPT provides you with fields to enter your agent’s name. You can then provide as many instructions as you want for what you are creating.

For example, we are creating a website for my dream that did not materialize – a Pizzeria.

We want to provide details about what our website contains. We want a menu with ten different pizzas of three different sizes and prices. Further, we also want to add a beverage menu.

Once you finish adding all details, you can click on Deploy Agent.

Step 4: Once we enter all the details, AgentGPT will output an HTML code, along with any other suggestions – like details for buying a domain and the best places to buy the same.

Step 5: You can click on the tools button and select all the different tools that AgentGPT can use to improve your output.

That was a simple example of using AgentGPT on your web browser. There is a lot more that you can do with AgentGPT which we will explore in the next section.

What Can You Do With Auto-GPT

Auto-GPT is a fascinating tool and there’s a lot that you can do besides the basic example that we showed in the previous section. Here are some applications of Auto-GPT that have been executed by passionate AI buffs on the internet.

1. Auto-GPT for Research

You can use Auto-GPT to generate research reports with insights based on the latest news and discoveries. Another fascinating use case along these lines is generating a podcast script from current news events! Take a look at this Twitter thread below that uses an AutoGPT tool called Aomni.

Just launched: an agent specifically designed for research.Using a modified babyagi architecture by @yoheinakajima & AutoGPTFor example:– podcast script from latest news– market research report– new github repos trending on hacker newsLive now on https://t.co/tyAraqL0cH pic.twitter.com/FvQzNj1uIo

— David (@dzhng) April 17, 2023

2. Build Websites

AutoGPT can be used to build detailed websites according to the instructions you provide. There are dedicated tools to build websites from Auto-GPT. Here’s an example of a tool built by a Twitter user Significant Gravitas that uses Next.js and Tailwind CSS to build websites.

Alright, this is getting too crazy. Soon you won’t even need to code anymore.I setup AutoGPT and it I asked it to build a website for me.And it succeeded. In under 3 minutes. Using react and tailwindcss. All by itself. pic.twitter.com/OW7qSNqq2B

— Sully (@SullyOmarr) April 7, 2023

3. Code and Build Apps

Well, Auto-GPT cannot build a full-fledged app for you yet, but we get to see its potential and it is intriguing. Here’s how Auto-GPT helped a user identify a missing piece of software needed to build an app, installed it for him, and then proceeded to use it to build an app based on the input prompt!

autogpt was trying to create an app for me, recognized I don’t have Node, googled how to install Node, found a stackoverflow article with link, downloaded it, extracted it, and then spawned the server for me. My contribution? I watched. pic.twitter.com/2QthbTzTGP

— Varun Mayya (@VarunMayya) April 6, 2023

4. Self-Executing To-Do List

We’re all good at downloading the best-looking to-do list app and then creating a detailed to-do list of everything we want to do. However, we end up falling short on the most important aspect – which is to complete the list. Auto-GPT is here for the rescue, and here’s how you can use it to not just make a to-do list but to execute all the tasks within the same!

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Over the weekend I finished the to-do list that does itself.Everytime you add a task, a GPT-4 agent is spawned to complete it. It already has the context it needs on you and your company, and has access to your apps. It’s called the Do Anything Machine (Link in thread) pic.twitter.com/4Mn7cf67va

— Garrett Scott ???? (@thegarrettscott) April 11, 2023

5. Analyze Stock Markets

The intersection of AI and investments have long fascinated users and it is one of the main reasons why we’re bullish about AI. There’s also an ongoing project that is monitoring a $50,000 portfolio developed by ChatGPT and it is currently proving that ChatGPT does have a good ability in analyzing the market. You can also leverage Auto-GPT for the same and derive even better market insights.

However, do not take any of it as investment advice and strictly use the inferences and results for educational purposes only.

Meet Isabella, my personal Investment Analyst designed to autonomously gather and analyse market data for me and saving the results into my system files for me. Using Lang-chain’s framework she can now outsource her tasks to other ai agents. #OpenAI #AutoGPT pic.twitter.com/6Vgw668z9A

— MOE (@mohamed43840) April 6, 2023

That is everything you need to know about using Auto-GPT. If you have any further questions, look at the FAQ section below.

FAQs on Auto-GPT

1. What are some of the free Auto-GPT tools that I can use on my web browser?

Apart from AgentGPT, you can also use God Mode AI and GoalAI as free AutoGPT tools.

2. Is Auto-GPT accurate?

No. Any AI tool that is usable today is in its infancy, and we do not recommend using them to make critical and consequential decisions. You must be prepared to face a certain degree of inaccuracy with any AI tool.

3. Does Auto-GPT use data after 2021?

Yes. Most Auto-GPT tools use data that is up to date, unlike ChatGPT.

Automate AI Workflow

We hope this article provided you with some ideas to automate your workflow, which has already been made convenient with existing AI tools.

While any Auto-GPT tool cannot function independently as a replacement for existing tools that rely on constant manual input to execute a task, we have a fantastic idea of the future and how human-computer interaction will transform. Further, these tools are improving, and adapting at an unprecedented rate and one must buckle up and get ready for the AI revolution!

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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