The Complete Guide to Facebook Group Admin Roles and Responsibilities

Any group without a leader can quickly descend into chaos. Managing a team is all about teamwork. And that’s even more difficult with social networks. That’s why you can see that all Facebook groups big or small have admins. And these administrators regulate discussions and use control to keep the common good safe whenever necessary.

Facebook Fi . admin role

Facebook group admins have more privileges than regular members. Not only that, but they are also responsible for keeping the virtual space clean and useful.

Here we will dive into the roles and responsibilities of a Facebook group admin. To distribute their workloads, admins can assign Moderators to handle groups. However, group admins remain at the top of the hierarchy with moderators sitting between them and members.


1. Add or remove Administrators and Moderators

Group creators automatically become admins. He/she can then appoint other administrators, who can then appoint more administrators. Yes, a Facebook group can have multiple admins. They all enjoy the same rights.

Administrators also have the power to designate moderators. However, Moderators cannot assign admin or moderator roles to other members.


To make someone a group admin or moderator, open a group in the Facebook app on your phone and go to the Members section. Then tap the three dots icon next to the member’s name. From the menu, select Make Moderator or Make Admin.

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If you want to remove them from the Administrator or Moderator role, select Remove Administrator/Moderator from the same menu.

2. Manage group settings

Administrators have permission to change any group settings. Be it group name, cover photo, intro, linked pages, privacy settings etc. Meanwhile, Moderators are not entitled to such complicated privileges.

3. Enable Membership Approval

One of the essential settings that can impact group dynamics is Membership Approval. If there is a closed group, users can join the group in two ways — Admins need to add users to the group, or users can request membership.

Once a membership request is made, Teams provides two settings for approving membership. In the first section, any team member can approve requests to join. However, if the admin wants to check each member individually, they can make the second setting — Admins and moderators only. With the second setting enabled, only admins and moderators can approve or deny membership requests.

To enable membership approval, open the group and go to Group Settings. Then select Admins and moderators only under Membership Approval (on PC) and Who can approve membership requests (on mobile app).

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4. Member’s questions are pending

If membership approval is enabled, admins can create pending membership questions. They can ask questions that help them make the right choice to approve or deny users in the group. This will save time, as it will ease the review process.

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5. Remove and block people

If an admin or moderator feels someone is violating the group guidelines, they can remove that person or even block them from the group. Members can only report misbehavior of other members to the admin, they cannot delete or block them. This power belongs only to the admins and moderators of that particular group.

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6. Approve or Reject Posts

Groups have a setting called Post Approval. When enabled, it empowers admins and moderators to approve or deny all posts from members. Whenever someone posts in such a group, that post must be approved first.

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7. Delete Comments and Posts

In addition to users who have published comments or posts, admins and moderators can remove them from the group. If they feel that something violates the group rules, they can remove the content without asking anyone’s permission.

8. Story approval

Unlike Facebook pages where only admins can post stories, anyone in the group can add to the story. However, admins and moderators have the right to approve stories. You can enable this setting in Team Settings > Group Story Approval.

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9. Create Notifications

Admins and moderators have another role of creating notifications. They can create notifications from any post and the latest notifications will be available as pinned posts. You can access other notifications from the Notifications tab.

10. Delete a group

A group can only be deleted if it has no members in it. So as admin you need to remove all members from the group and then the group will be deleted.


In charge of

As an administrator or moderator, you have a number of responsibilities to yourself. It is your duty not to abuse the powers and privileges granted to you.

Although I’ve said it before, I want to reiterate that all administrators have the same permissions. So only hire people you trust as admins.

Categories: How to

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