Sync Most Recent Files from Mac to Dropbox or Google Drive

I’m sure you use a cloud sync service like Dropbox or Google Drive to automatically sync files between multiple computers. The way these services work is that you have a folder that you are free to drop anything into. All the contents of this folder are synced to the cloud and then to all your connected devices. As simple as that.

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But that means you need to copy/move the file from your local storage to the sync folder. And when it comes to syncing multiple files per day, this can become a chore. Today we’re going to talk about an app that automatically syncs the last 50 files with a cloud service of your choice.

That means when you open a new document or download an attachment, it will automatically show up in Dropbox or Google Drive. You can move to another computer and expect it to be in a synced folder, like that.

Hot Tip: If you’re a proficient user of Dropbox, you should know how to protect your files with 2-factor authentication and how to use multiple Dropbox accounts on Android.

If you work with multiple machines, such as Macs and Windows PCs, this type of automatic synchronization can be useful. Below I’ll walk you through the setup process and talk about the important settings.

How to set up QuickSand

QuickSand is the application we will use to do this. Download the app and go through the installer. When it asks you where to save the folder, choose the folder inside your cloud sync folder (like Dropbox or Google Drive). Then enter a recognizable name.

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To view your most recent files, go to finderswitch to All my files view and sort by Date created.

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Just like Dropbox, QuickSand will show up in the menu bar. From here, you can control the sync process or exit the app.

Tweaking Settings

From settings you can change folder locations and more.

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The most important settings for fine-tuning are as follows.

  • Files to sync: You can choose from the 5 to 50 most recent files to sync.
  • Synchronization frequency: You can choose between 30 seconds to every hour.
  • Maximum folder size: You can choose from 50 MB to unlimited.

If you’re like me, you don’t want to sync all kinds of files between computers. Chances are you just want to sync documents and images.

go Synchronize these files tab and you will see your home folder selected here. If you use multiple drives, you can also add another folder to monitor.

From Do not sync these files you can add folders that QuickSand should exclude. These may include your media folders or work folders that you don’t want to have online.

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From this tab, switch to Ignored file type. Here, enter the file extensions for the files you don’t want to sync. Example I blocked avi And mp4 file so the video is not synced. I also blocked zipper so neither are compressed files.

Is this something you find useful?

For someone like me who uses two different computers running two different operating systems, having the most recent files like documents or screenshots from a Mac automatically show up on a Windows PC is really helpful. How about you? Let us know in the comments below.

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Categories: How to

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