Spark vs CloudMagic: 2 Cool iOS Mail Apps Compared

Depending on the mail app you choose and the amount of emails you have to view daily, managing email messages on iPhone can be a chore or a smooth experience. There are quite a few great email apps that have been released recently like Outlook (which Khamosh reviewed in this section) or Google Inbox which work very well, especially if you receive tons of emails. .

Spark Vs Cloud Magic Main

The newest entry in mail apps for power users this time around is Spark (free App Store), an app developed by Readdle, a company primarily known for its document management apps. .

Personally, I don’t have to deal with a cluttered inbox very often, which is why CloudMagic is my favorite iPhone mail client. But after using CloudMagic for a few months, I wonder how this simple, streamlined application will compare to Spark.

Important Note: If you need iPad or Apple Watch support, know that CloudMagic supports both, while Spark does not (yet) offer iPad support.

Let’s compare two of them.

Design & Usability

magic cloud

I generally consider design to be one of the most important aspects of an app. Of course, design is not merely the look of the application but also the feel of the application and the way choices are made while creating the application that makes the layout and navigation of the application easy to understand and use. more usable.

In this respect, very few mail clients (if any) can match CloudMagic’s implementation. The app has a simple layout for messages, labeled by account using thin colored stripes.

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Magic cloud message list

Swiping from right to left brings up options to mark the message as unread, archive it, or delete it. If you swipe in the other direction, you’ll show all your accounts, allowing you to navigate any account in more detail.

Cloud magic optionMagic Cloud Account

From the app’s message list screen, you can also flag/star a message with a single tap.

Cloud magic message star

Messages show themselves fast and well. Chats are grouped and any specific messages in them can be read with a single tap. CloudMagic also emphasizes the reading experience by demonstrating a clear message screen with no icons or menu bars interrupting message flow, leaving all menu options accessible at the top of the screen.

Read Cloud MagicCloud Magic Conversation


While Spark is not as simple as CloudMagic, the development team behind the app deserves credit for making the app simple and engaging despite all it can do.

Among the many improvements that Spark brings are different message list viewing options. One of them is the traditional list view we’ve all come to expect from a message add-on that lists messages in chronological order.

Spark list view

Another, much more interesting view called Smart Inbox, sorts messages and shows them by relevance, with individual messages at the top, then notifications, then newsletters and similar messages.

Spark Smart Inbox

Another great addition is how you can personalize some of Spark’s actions, including the effects of different swipes.

Spark Swipe FirstSpark Swipe Back

Some of the other cool features added are the app’s widgets (which is what Spark calls its engine) and how you can manage quick replies and signatures by simply tapping or Scroll through the respective options.

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Spark WidgetQuick reply SparkSpark Swipe Signature

One small caveat though: While these features are a welcome addition, they take up some screen space even when reading your messages, which can be disruptive. a little bit of your reading experience.

read sparks

In addition to all of this, Spark also adds calendar integration like other apps targeted at proficient users, although the calendar doesn’t show detailed entries at a glance. Instead, you have to tap on a specific date to see your events, which goes against the convenience of adding a calendar in the first place.

Spark Calendar

Search & Performance

Interestingly, both Spark and CloudMagic pride themselves on providing excellent search capabilities.

Searching in CloudMagic is pretty straightforward and should always be accessible at the top of your mailing list.

Cloud magic search Normal

Type something and search results appear immediately, although it takes time to show all search results if you have a large inbox. And if your search is too ‘broad’, the app will prompt you to select a specific account to narrow down the results better.

Magic cloud wide search

However, on Spark, search functionality reaches a whole new level, providing users with the ability to use natural language (just like Fantastical) to perform your searches. So just typing “messages with attachments” for example, will show you those.

Sparks of Search

In my experience, this feature works perfectly. In fact, now I miss it on other email clients.


During my time using both Spark and CloudMagic, I got used to some cool features of Spark and CloudMagic, which I really didn’t expect at first.

I’m not a fan of ‘professional’ mail clients at all, as most of them seem to add loads of different features and approaches to achieving email sanity. However, Spark’s background customization and especially its smoothness and speed make you forget that you are using a professional solution for your email.

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If you are looking for a simpler and more ‘pure’ email client that has a great design and gets the job done, then CloudMagic is the one you want. But if you don’t mind adding a few layers of complexity to get some extra (and pretty cool) features, then Spark could be a nice surprise for you.

Categories: How to

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