Should You Keep Your Phone’s Serial Number Private?

Each device has a unique serial number on the box or back of the phone that is used to identify and distinguish it from all other devices of the same make and model, but should keep this number secret?

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Serial numbers are not limited to phones, they can be found on a variety of gadgets such as mice, keyboards, laptops, and other devices.

They are combinations of alphabets and numbers that look like ‘RZ8130…’ or ‘YN441#…’. In many cases, you’ll see your device’s serial number prefixed with ‘S/N’.

You’ll find the Serial Number on the label on your device’s box, the back of your device, and inside the ‘Status’ of the ‘About device’ menu in the settings.

But is it safe to share information? Can someone gain access to your phone using your serial number, hack it, or harm you or your device?

The answer is mostly no. While the serial number cannot be used to access your device or harm it, it can certainly be used in other ways that could harm you in the long run.

Is it safe to share the serial number?

Now if serial numbers have the potential to cause privacy issues for users, they won’t be so clearly displayed on the box nor on the device – lest people just stroll past an electronics store to record a few serial numbers.

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The serial number is mainly used when the device is taken to a service center for repair or replacement. Manufacturers use them to determine the authenticity of said devices, and to check if they are within the warranty period and previous service records.

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The chances of this actually happening are very low, but in the event someone gets your serial number, they could wrongly request a part or replace the device.

Also Read: How to Find Lost or Stolen Android and iPhone IMEI Numbers.

While it is perfectly fine to share your serial number with company executives who will help you repair or replace equipment, you should avoid sharing any such information on social media channels.

It is of the utmost importance that you do not make such unique identifiers public for your device as, in the case of a flexible and generous manufacturer’s policy, it may result in repair or fraudulent substitution.

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“Posting the serial number of any product online is never a good idea. The model type and serial number of systems that are still under warranty can be hijacked and used to fraudulently order parts or submit warranty claims,” a Lenovo representative said. said.

Not very likely, but it’s quite possible that someone used your serial number to misuse the warranty policy in case the manufacturer is generous enough not to ask for more information before sending in a spare part. replacement or complete replacement.

Now, in case you damage your device at some point in the future and a replacement has been ordered with your serial number, then you will have another problem on your hands.

With that said, better room than regret, so you should avoid posting pictures or text of your serial number online on social media or public forums.

Categories: How to

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