Resolve System Restore Disabled By Group Policy Error Windows

The System Restore feature in Windows is useful for restoring your PC to older settings in case some apps or settings start to interfere with its operation.

If you get the error “System restore was disabled by group policy. To enable System Restore, contact your domain administrator “while trying to access system restore it is possible that your company IT department (if it is your office workstation) has blocked the feature or it is automatically disabled for some reason.

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This article tells you two ways to enable system restore if you receive the above error message when trying to access.

Method 1: Enable the system restore configuration interface through the Group Policy Editor.

You can enable the system recovery profile by disabling Turn off configuration And System recovery policy.

Step 1. Click Start


button, click Run and type


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Step 2. Expand Computer Configuration and then expand Administrative Templates.


Step 3. Expand System, and then click System Restore.

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Step 4. Double click on Disable System Restore.

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Step 5. On the Settings tab, select Disabled.

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Step 6. Double-click Profiles Off, and then on the Settings tab, select Disabled.

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Step 7. Exit the editor and restart your PC.

Method 2: Enable the system restore configuration interface through Registry Editor

Following are the steps to enable it through the registry.

Note: Make sure you back up your registry using File->Export before you try to make any changes.

Step 1. Click Start


button. Click Run. Type regedit and click OK



Step 2. On the registry editor, double-click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder to expand it.

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Step 3. Expand the SOFTWARE folder.


Step 4. Expand Policy > Microsoft > Windows NT > SystemRestore.


Step 5. On the right panel, right click on DisableConfog and DisableSR and select the delete option from the right menu.


Step 6. Exit the editor and restart your PC.

These two methods work well on home editions and professional editions of Windows XP and above.

After restarting your PC, go to


and type System Restore in the search box (In Windows Vista).

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The System Restore window should appear now.

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That’s how you solve System Restore disabled due to group policy error in Windows.

Categories: How to

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