Make P2P File Transfers on PC, Android Directly from Web

There is no shortage of file transfer apps and services on the web. You can use something like Xender to transfer files between Android and iOS devices, Dukto to easily share between PC and Android, Dropbox to always sync anywhere, and BitTorrent Sync to do the same thing. without any server.

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But one thing all of these services have in common is that they are just that – service. And they also come with the luggage of the right services. You need to sign up for an account, download the app, make sure everything is set up just right, and more importantly, ask the other party to do the same. Obviously, a simple, fast, secure web-based service is needed to solve this problem.

There is an answer in the form of

How to use

Other than using new TLDs in a clever and fun way, what does is almost poetically simple. It uses a combination of P2P networks (much like torrents work) and the WebRTC protocol (which enables things like video chat right in the browser) available in many modern web browsers.

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When you visit the website, you are asked to upload one file, only 1 at a time, and the website will generate the link immediately. Regardless of the size of the file, creating the link will happen instantly because the file won’t go anywhere, it will stay there in the browser cache.

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Once the link is created, you can send it to anyone in the world, they don’t need to be on the same Wi-Fi network. Now, as long as you open the website, the other party can open the link on any compatible device – Chrome/Firefox on desktop, Chrome on Android (but not in iOS browser or Safari on machine Mac) and they can click Download to start the download.

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More about P2P: Using a P2P network to sync or share files means much faster sync times between devices (sometimes more than 10x difference) and it also means no Who can easily track your data. Learn more about downloading torrents right on your Android device, and learn how to use BitTorrent Sync to create your own decentralized copy of Dropbox.

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When that happens, the site sends the file directly from your computer to theirs. No servers involved, no upload/wait times. This way, it is not only fast but also safe. While the transfer is in progress, make sure that either device doesn’t timeout or go to sleep (especially your Android phone) or the transfer will fail.

How well does it work?

When it works (i.e. if you’re using a supported browser), it works pretty well. On Android I had a weird problem where the native Downloads app couldn’t open downloaded files but switching to ES File Explorer did the trick.

No support for iOS right now: On iOS, I have tried many third-party browsers including Chrome and UC browsers, but every time I get the error “WebRTC not supported”, as you can see inside below.

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I also tested it on 3G and transferring small files works fine.

Currently, the site only supports 1 file at a time but if you want to send more than 1 file, the workaround is to create a zip file or just send them one at a time (but since each file has a unique URL, this can be becomes a chore). Honestly, the transfer speed is not that great. It took more than 5 minutes to deliver the 260MB file. But since it’s P2P and completely web-based, it’s impressive that succeeded without any problems.

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What will you use it for? is great for sending your friends TV shows or music files when they are on the same network but don’t want to install any apps. It’s also a great way to send files to your family members without much fuss. And, of course, when you’re sharing something private that you don’t want others snooping on.

What do you intend to use for? Share with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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