Launch Another App Without Leaving Current App on Android

A few days ago we covered an app for Android called Activator, which uses it to be able to launch any app or setting on Android without leaving or withdrawing. minimize any running applications the user may be working on. However, since the app is based on gesture recognition, not many people love it. So today, I’m going to share another app launcher for Android that aims to do something similar but uses a floating sidebar instead of a gesture.

Swap for Android

Swapps is a launcher for Android that works side-by-side with your existing app launcher (stock or other Android launchers). The main difference between the traditional launcher and Swapps is that you can launch the latter without leaving whatever application you are working on.

Now let’s take a closer look at how the app works and its features.

Exchange for Android 3

After you install Swap from the Play Store, launch it. The app will directly open its configuration panel and you will also see a green line on the left border of your screen. This is the area where you need to perform a gesture to open the Swapps app’s sidebar whenever and wherever you need it (on your Android screen).

You can change the gesture detection area by changing the active point configuration values ​​in the application settings. For example, if you want to move the active point from the center up or down, just tap the ActiveSpot Gravity icon and then select the desired option. The same goes for ActiveSpot’s width and height.

Exchange for Android 4Exchange for Android 5

Once ActiveSpot has been configured, you can press the home button to test it. When your gesture is recognized, the sidebar will pop out from the edge of the screen. This sidebar is divided into three sections: Starred, Recently Used, and All Apps.

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The first part – star – contains nothing when the app is installed and the user can add his frequently used apps to it. By default, the number of apps that can be added to the starred list is 3, but it can always be increased, decreased, or even completely removed using the Swapps settings. To add an app, just tap Add app button on the sidebar launcher and select the one you want to see.

Exchange for Android 2

The second part, Recently usedas the name suggests contains the 5 most recently used apps while All apps section contains all the apps installed on your device. To close the sidebar, tap close Close the drawer at the top, or just tap anywhere outside the app drawer.

Sidebar Pro: An Alternative

While researching about Swapps, I found another app called Sidebar Pro that offers similar functionality. This app works more or less like Swapps but unlike before, the Sidebar doesn’t allow all apps in the toolbar. The width of the drawer is also smaller because it contains only the icon and can be made transparent for a better look.


However, all of that comes with a small price tag of $1.99. Although a reduced version is available, the functions are very limited and the app will constantly beg you to buy the full version of the product. The lite version is just good enough to test before buying.


The choice is yours, both apps perform the task without any hiccups. If you just want to go on purpose without paying for the app, Swapps is a good choice, but if you are willing to pay a few bucks for an attractive design and advanced configuration, I would definitely recommend Use Sidebar Pro.

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Categories: How to

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