6 Useful Trello Tips to Stay on Top of Your Tasks

Task management systems are often overwhelming to get into. There is so much to do here that you end up doing nothing. But at some point in your working life, you’ll feel more than enough and you’ll want a little more control over your work schedule. I went through that recently and the first thing I decided to focus on was Trello.

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We’ve been using Trello for over a year at Guiding Tech. Trello forms an integral part of our backend editorial workflow. It’s also a great tool in itself. But when you start managing more than a few tasks, you start to feel lost and frustrated.

Below you’ll find tips and tricks that will help you stay on top of your tasks/tags on Trello and will save you a lot of time when creating and managing new tasks.

1. Learn keyboard shortcuts

Trello’s management system is quite complex. Even after you’ve decided you’re going to use the powerful features, you’ll find that clicking around and navigating menus takes a lot of time. Do simple things like press the spacebar to assign a tag to yourself, press D to open the due date menu and I to add labels will go a long way. Check out the full list of keyboard shortcuts here.

2. Add yourself as a member

This is the main way to keep track of all the quests that you are combined with. It doesn’t matter if it’s an active task or a big 6 month project, just add yourself to the card so you don’t lose track. Adding yourself as a member will lead us to the next step.

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3. Use Card View

Trello Card View Results

Click your name in the upper right corner then select card. This will display all the cards you have specified for yourself, across all boards in one screen. Of course, this will only work if you quickly assign the tag to yourself (again, just click a spacebar).

4. Use iOS and Android App Widgets

The Android app comes with a few widgets – the biggest of which shows all the tasks you’ve given yourself on any board. You’ll also find utilities to quickly create Trello cards.

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On iOS, things are a little different. There is a Notification Center widget but it doesn’t show any cards you’ve joined. Instead, you have shortcuts to create new cards based on text, images, or the clipboard. You also get a list of the three most recently used tables.

5. Add an extra layer of interactivity with labels

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Avid Trello users should be familiar with columns and how easy it is to add them. While they’re great, too many columns can clutter your entire management workflow. So for trivial things try using labels. If columns are operating on a time based system – do, do, doneLabels can represent attributes about the task or further analysis in the process.

6. Integrate Trello with Your Sunrise Calendar

Free and awesome Sunrise Calendar. If you don’t use it, you should seriously consider it. One of the best things about Sunrise is that it easily integrates with other productivity services like Trello and Wunderlist.

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One of the big problems I have is that Trello doesn’t have a global calendar. They seem to be limited to one table. I’m working on over half a dozen boards, and if I want to know about all the different tasks due today, there’s no simple way to do it in Trello. But it is possible with Sunrise.

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Simply go to the website, sign in with your Google account, connect to Trello, and all cards with due dates will show up in Sunrise once you’ve activated those specific Trello boards from the sidebar.

How do you use Trello?

What are your hot tips and tricks when using Trello? Share with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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