Intellipedia: How to Access the Wikipedia of US Secret Services

We are well aware of Wikipedia and the wealth of information it stores about everything in this world, but did you know the US government maintains their own secret Wiki – Intellipedia – which stores information in a similar way Similar to Wikipedia, with only a few corrections containing the facts of the matter.


Intellipedia is an encyclopedia of U.S. government secret services and other government organizations with similar licenses, and the site has been around for over a decade.

The website has three levels of classification of the data it contains — one level includes sensitive but unclassified documents, the medium level contains confidential information, and the other level is for classified information.

The ‘top secret’ wiki contains almost 40% of the total 269,000 articles on the site.

Since 2014, numerous applications have been filed under the Freedom of Information Act, which gives the public access to certain unclassified documents contained in the secret service encyclopedia.

Intellipedia’s pages are essentially copies of Wikipedia pages on the same topic but with additional sensitive and important information added by intelligence community analysts.

How to access Intellipedia?

linkIntellipedia Access Page

Official access to Intellipedia is restricted to authorized employees — perhaps members of 17 U.S. government intelligence agencies — and if anyone else is found to be trying to gain access. unauthorized access to the database, they will be ‘criminally prosecuted’ for mentioning the site.

However, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) grants citizens the right to request information even from intelligence agencies, news media like MuckRock and other websites like The Black Vault has stocked their websites with findings from apps under FOIA.

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Intellipedia12008 Mumbai terrorist attacks Intellipedia page could not find Wikipedia input | Source

Can you access many files from Intellipedia including information about Area 51, Benghazi, JFK assassination, MK Ultra Project, UFOs, Greenbrier files, Freemasonry, Bay of Pigs files and many other interesting readings classified.

Surprisingly, Edward Snowden’s unclassified page on Intellipedia has absolutely no information regarding the whistleblower, and neither does the UFO page, which includes only a single photo.

There are plenty of other interesting topics you might want to explore on this ‘secret wiki’ and John Greenwald’s Black Vault is a sure stop if you’re on a journey to find out the additional information that the staff members have. Secret Service holds.

Categories: How to

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