How to Wipe and Prepare iPhone or iPad For Selling

One of the great things about iOS devices is that they hold up very well in resale, better than most phones and tablets out there. So chances are, a year or two after buying an iPhone or iPad, you’ll sell it or pass it on to a family member.

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Before doing that, you should make sure that none of your personal data like emails, photos, videos or apps is on it. You need to completely remove that thing. And doing so is easy – very, very easy. I recently sold my old iPad Mini and upgraded to a Retina model, and the erasing process only took me a few minutes.

Before we begin, make sure you have a full backup of your data. You can do this via iCloud, or better yet, connect your device to your computer and back it up via iTunes. This way, when you get your new device, just restore the backup and all your data including apps, contacts, app data, photos etc will be right back as it was on the device. old.

Now you can save hours setting up a new device – unless that’s what you really want. Some people claim that a clean install on a new device can help you increase battery life and understand clutter.

Now that you’ve made the backup, let’s get started.

Sign out of iMessage

If you’re switching from an iPhone to an Android device, you may also want to sign out of iMessage. People have reported issues where messages sent to phones ended up in iMessage and not on their new devices.

See more:  How to Auto-Delete Verification Code Texts and Emails on Apple Devices

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If you currently carry your iPhone with you, visit Setting -> message And off iMessage. If you no longer have access to your iPhone, use Apple’s online iMessage unsubscribe tool.

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Turn off Find My iPhone

Before you can wipe your device, you need to sign out of Apple’s device tracking service called Find My iPhone. This means the device is officially out of your hands.

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So first, go to Setting -> icloud and transform Find My Iphone. Enter your password and press Turn off.

Erase everything from iPhone and iPad

Now let’s talk about deleting stuff. There is a setting for that. Go Setting -> overviewscroll down and tap Reset.

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Now tap Erase all content and settings. Your device will ask for confirmation. Knock on Erase iPhone (or Erase iPad).

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Since this will erase all data from your device, you will be prompted again. To confirm, tap Erase iPhone (or Erase iPad).

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Now your iPhone or iPad will restart. This will take quite a while so don’t panic. This is where iOS is erasing all your data.

Once rebooted, it will display the same setup screen as when you first accessed it.

What did you get?

So now that you’re ready to sell your iPhone or iPad, what will you get instead? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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