How to Use the New Disk Utility in OS X El Capitan

When Apple updated Yosemite to Mac OS X El Capitan, it made major changes to Disk Utility. The streamlined interface is easy to use but lacks some key functions. Some of them are there though if you know where to look.

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Fix permissions in El Capitan

The most obvious feature that Apple seems to take away is rRepair power. That feature solved some of the Mac’s problems, but was largely unnecessary. The operating system checks permissions during software updates. At other times, those permissions cannot be changed. Fixing permissions can still be an effective troubleshooting step. Some tech support providers won’t help you unless you fix those permissions. There are a few different ways to do that.

Cool El Capitan Features: If you just upgraded, check out how to use Split View and Upgraded Mission Control

If you prefer to use the terminal, this command will fix the permissions.

sudo /usr/libexec/repair_packages –repair –standard-pkgs –volume /

If you don’t like messing around in Terminal, MarcPac wrote RiparaCapo. That free app does all the editing behind the scenes. I think it’s a bit safer to run that program since the terminal is such a powerful tool on a Mac.

right to repair

Securely erase a drive

In the former Disk Utilities, you could specify how you wanted to erase a drive in the options. Initially, Apple gives you the 35x method which is the safest method of erasing. In Lion and later versions, Apple has removed that option and leaves you with 7 times erase mode which is safest. That’s enough for most users.

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Delete files securely: You don’t have to erase the entire drive to securely delete files. You can do this through the terminal using the diskutil command. Apple removed Safe Trash Bin and replace it with Delete immediately

To access that option in El Capitan, you need to select a Volume rather than a physical disk. If the disk is not formatted, you will not be able to safely erase it. It was a nasty change.

Clean up this dishsecurity options

Again, the command line comes to the rescue. You can specify 34 deletions using the secureErase command. Without the OSX GUI to protect you, it’s very easy to choose the wrong drive to erase. I would avoid using this command unless Disk Utility doesn’t work for you.

Create RAID

I’m not sure why Apple removed this from the main Disk Utility. Most likely the reason is simplicity. Creating RAID is a dedicated function so they leave it to Terminal and the diskutil command. In addition, improper use of the RAID function can cause problems with the Fusion drive scheme.

Another option is to reboot your Mac into Recovery Mode. Disk Utility in recovery mode supports RAID creation.

Disk repair and first aid

Disk repair options have changed. Instead of verify disk And disk repair, the options are merged. Now you select the volume and press First aid. That saves a few steps compared to previous versions.

Serious errors still need advanced utilities like Disk Warrior to fix the system.

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Recording disk

While most new Macs don’t have optical drives, some of us still need to burn CDs and DVDs. Disk Utility is a great way to clone discs or convert discs to ISOs. Apple removed those features in El Capitan.

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Need to clone a hard drive? Check out our guide to creating a bootable backup

The good news is that most of this functionality has been carried over to the Finder. If you select an ISO file or other main image file and right click, you will see a Burn disc image to disc select. That saves you a few steps compared to using Disk Utility. If you want to burn a folder or file to a CD or DVD, right-click the item and select Burn to disc.

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If you want to create an image from an optical drive, the procedure is the same as in previous versions. From the File Menu in Disk Utility, select New image and then select image from and the name of the item you want to copy. Under Format, if you want to be able to record a copy, select DVD/CD player. That creates a .CDR file that you can burn directly from the Finder.

Encrypted Drive: To keep your files safe, consider creating an encrypted drive or folder

New feature: Disk overview

This is the same overview you get when you visit About this Mac and choose Warehouse. The main difference between the two About Mac views shows how much space is backed up. Otherwise, the views are the same. Disk Utility adds some useful information in Terminal like what the device is and the format of the drive. I think it’s a waste to have it in both places.


Almost everything else is the same

Apart from these changes, most of the features remain the same. Creating a volume with different formats is the same. Erasing a PC formatted drive is still the same, even though the button position has moved.

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Categories: How to

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