How To Use’s New Rules Tool – Guiding Tech

Organizing your incoming emails efficiently is essential in a world where even the least communicative of us receive several dozen messages daily; well, has a way to help you do that.


New Rules Engine is becoming one of the most feature-rich free email providers out there, and its rules engine, which allows users to organize messages in a more organized way, is a pretty good example. about that.

Note: If you use the Outlook desktop email client, see how to create email subject rules and folder-based rules.

The tool was announced a while ago, and its worldwide rollout isn’t as fast as Microsoft claims; However, that doesn’t detract from the value of the new rules engine and how it can be used to organize your email.

The feature might even convince users of other web email services to switch to (if you don’t want to give up your Gmail account, you can get the best of both worlds by use Gmail from the interface).

The rules engine will allow you to sort the messages you receive by a range of criteria, making the process much easier. It’s not difficult to use at all, as you’ll notice at a glance.

Start by signing in to your account. Then click on the little one gear icon at the top right of the screen.

Outlook Com . device

Cool Tip: If you click one of the colors in the palette at the top of the menu that appears, you can change the color scheme of the interface.

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But enough about that; let’s go back to the new rule engine, shall we? Click Manage rules.

Manage Outlook Com Rules

Now comes the really interesting part, as you’ll see. Click New, as shown below, to create a new rule.

New Outlook Com Rules

You can now start adding criteria to your new rule. The cool thing is that your rule can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

Select condition according to When an email matches area. You can choose from a very comprehensive list of criteria. Let’s say I want this rule to apply to emails older than 3 days. I will just select the relevant category and enter the duration in days.

Outlook Com Rule Create New

Then on the right, I’ll tell what to do with it.

Outlook Com Rules New Create Old

As I mentioned, you can make the rule as complex or as simple as you want.

For example, the one I’ve started creating might include even more specifics. For example, I would also add that if the message is flagged, I want the message to be classified as Important. That way, I won’t have old emails in my inbox, but I can still see if I’ve missed something important when looking through my old Emails folder. When done, just click Create rules.

New Outlook Com Rule New Create New

You can add more criteria than just two (I can add up to 12, which is quite a few).

The Rule of will list all the rules you’ve created, and you can prioritize them there if you want. You can also delete rules from there.

Outlook Com rules in action


New rules can help you better organize your inbox and keep email from your most important contacts close by.

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Categories: How to

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