How to Use App in Offline Mode on Android

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When it comes to online dictionaries,

Probably the best of the lot. But when it comes to smartphone ones,’s app has never really impressed me. It

need internet connection

to look up the definition of a word. To me, the idea of ​​connecting to the internet just to look up the meaning of a word sounds ridiculous. What if a person is offline or out of coverage? Also, if I’m connected to a network on my Android, I’ll just use

Search with google

instead of using an app.

Keeping this concern in mind, we have previously discussed two Android dictionary apps that support offline referencing. While both still work fine, today we’re adding the for Android app name to the list. The app has over two million definitions and synonyms making it one of the best places to go, but in my opinion the recent update support for offline access is what really makes it. valuable.

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Using the App in Offline Mode

After you’ve installed the latest version of app or upgraded it from the Play Store, the first time you access the app, you’ll be notified that it now works offline. You can then go ahead and download additional files from the server. But make sure you’re connected via a Wi-Fi connection before starting the download. If you accidentally ignore the welcome update message to download the offline dictionary, you can do it manually from the app settings

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Users can find offline dictionary download option below settings option in the slide menu on the left. While downloading offline content, the app does not show any progress bar and you also cannot access any content. But if you have a good internet connection, it won’t take long.

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Note: The iOS app also supports offline mode following an update on October 1, 2013, but the additional data file has been integrated with the app itself via the App Store.

Once you’ve downloaded the dictionary for offline access, you’ll see a dramatic improvement in speed. Now that the app is no longer dependent on an internet connection for basic reference, word suggestions and results will load faster than ever. The thing to note here is that, while you are using the app in offline mode, you can only use Definitions and Synonyms tab. For information such as word origin and pronunciation, you must be connected to the internet.

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I am really impressed with the latest update. While the app’s features are limited for offline access, I see no reason to complain. Most of what we need is the definition of a word and the application will answer that word whether you are connected to the internet or not. So go ahead, try the new update and share with us how you like it.

Categories: How to

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