How to Upgrade the Firmware of Your SSD on Windows 10

Solid state drives (SSDs) have many advantages over traditional spinning hard drives with moving parts. It’s faster, sleeker, lasts longer, and is generally easier to maintain. Did I mention it’s faster? However, there may be a small thing that some owners may overlook. That’s the firmware.

Upgrade my firmwareDo the right thing before you get the SOS | shutter

Since Windows 10 was launched, several manufacturers have rolled out updates to their SSD firmware. But non-tech-savvy owners were overjoyed because unlike the apps on your smartphone, these don’t upgrade automatically unless you install the right tools.

Why bother with the firmware

The firmware of SSDs is essential to run them smoothly and efficiently. Sometimes manufacturers are only alerted to problems after the product has been sold to customers, and sometimes it’s a newer version of Windows, which can cause some problems.

In any case, it’s best to update your SSD’s firmware, especially if it’s a high-performance program that you 100% trust.

Explore SSD models

The first and obvious step is to find out if you have an SSD. If so, then by which manufacturer. If you already know all of this, skip this part. If not, go to your taskbar search box and type defragmentation and you will see the option below.


Click on it it will open Optimize the drive window and here you will see how many of your drives are SSD and HDD. Again, if you find that none of your drives are SSDs, stop reading and go to Netflix and Chill. If even one drive is an SSD, find out what model it is.

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The best way to find that out is to go to My computer screen and right click on the drive you find as SSD. It’s the C:\ drive in my case, so I’ll right click on it then click Property. From here, click on Hardware tab and the name of the SSD manufacturer will be revealed.

Disk Properties

OEM Tool Only

Once you know who made the SSD that runs on your PC, it’s easier to organize things. Every SSD manufacturer, be it Intel or Samsung or Kingston or OCZ, has some kind of utility that will have the option to upgrade the firmware. Take my case, where I found out that I have an Intel SSD. A simple Google search later I found the Intel SSD Toolbox page, downloading and installing it was very easy.

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After I launched it, there was a nice layout with each tab clearly highlighting its functionality. click Upgrade software revealed that I was using an older version and the software would automatically download and install the latest version for me. Rebooting later, my SSD is now running the latest firmware and I can rest easy now.

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Similarly, Samsung has its own gadgets, its own Corsair, its own SanDisk, so does Crucial and so does OCZ.

Some, like Kingston and OWC, offer SandForce-based clients, which is fine but doesn’t offer anything extra. You could try a 3rd party tool like SSD Tweaker for this, but only as a last resort.

Don’t be loose, upgrade now

Remember how much you had to save on your precious SSD? Then why be careless and let something as old as outdated firmware ruin it? Upgrade now. It is not difficult.

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Categories: How to

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