How to Solve the Sudoku Puzzle in Gotham Knights

In Gotham Knights, Batman is dead and a vast new criminal underworld has taken over Gotham City.

Now, the Batman Family has a duty to protect Gotham, save its citizens, discipline the police and frighten criminals.

The 4 knights are Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin.

In the game, you can solve the mysteries that link the history of the city and defeat powerful villains.

Some tasks and goals like solving sudoku puzzles are difficult to complete because their hints can be vague.

It is also known as the “Reorder the symbols” puzzle in “Searching for Kane’s Private Elevator”.

It is an open-world, action-RPG set in dynamic and interactive Gotham City.

You can play solo or co-op and stop the criminal activity when found.

In this tutorial you will learn how to solve the sudoku puzzle in the elevator/in the wall (Kane Industries) in Gotham Knights.

How to solve sudoku puzzles in Gotham Knights

To solve the sudoku puzzle in Knights of Gotham, you need to fill the entire grid with symbols by rearranging them.

However, each icon may appear only once in each row and column.

Here is the key point:

  • Each block must contain a symbol.
  • Each icon can appear only once in a row, column, and box.
  • Expand the second screenshot above for the solution.

Once you have solved the “Rearrange Icons” puzzle, the door will open.

Now, your next goal is to find Kane’s private elevator.

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How to solve the Orchard Hotel puzzle in Gotham Knights

How to interrogate Freaks and Mobs in Knights of Gotham

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Categories: How to

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