How to Skip Commercials or Ads on YouTube Quickly

YouTube is slowly turning into a clone of your local TV channel. With content that comes with the old error of advertising or advertising. In fact, there are so many of them today that seem to be attacking our eyeballs. They remind me of a time when FM channels were really popular in my country – uninterrupted programming and just one or two commercials. Now, things are different because they have also gone the way of advertising.

Advertising is a necessary evil to bring all that great content to us. But thankfully when it comes to YouTube, you can find ways and means to hide pop-up ads even before clips start being cached.

Yes, one could say it’s wrong to avoid ads because that’s what pays for ‘free’ content, but the Chrome extension we’re about to talk about here doesn’t block ads; it just introduces a way to skip ads and go straight to the beginning of the video. Like the TV remote that lets you skip to the current channel and go back when the show starts again.

The Chrome browser extension is called – Skip YouTube Ads – No Illegal Blocking. (UPDATE: This tool is no longer available) The name fully describes its functionality. Very simple – While watching a video on YouTube, a small blue icon called the Skip button appears at the top of the video. Clicking on it will skip the current ad immediately and go to the video. You have to manually click the blue button every time the video plays near the ad, but even then it’s worth it.

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There is also an automated version of the YouTube Skip Ad extension, but this version is paid and available on the developer’s website.

This Chrome extension can really save you a lot of time if you are a regular YouTube video viewer because 30 seconds of ad skip really adds up. Test it out with a few videos with lots of ads and let us know if you find this a better option than AdBlock or ScrewAds (which sometimes doesn’t block ads from appearing before videos).

Categories: How to

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