How to Run Desktop Apps From Browser With Spoon


You may know about popular virtualization tools like VMware and Sun Virtualbox. These tools can virtualize an operating system, thereby helping you to run different operating systems, like Windows and Linux, on the same computer without dual booting. Operating systems run in separate windows, like two different applications.

Spoon ( window only ) is a very exciting new tool that takes this virtualization concept to the next level by helping you run applications right from the browser without installing them. Yes, you can use it to run popular programs like Google talk, VLC media player, TweetDeck and many more without installing any program on your computer.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to show you how to get started with Spoon, install its plug-ins, and then run the apps.

1. Click Install Plugin Spoon on the website home page.

Spooninstall plugin

It will pop up a little box that says it’s about to start.


2. Click OK on the box that says Spoon plugin has been installed successfully.

Spoonplugin installed

3. You can now browse through the Spoon App Gallery to select the apps you want to run with this tool. There is also a Games section where you will find a large number of popular games to play from your browser.

Application spoon

4. I decided to use VLC Media Player. I clicked on VLC Media Player in the “Top Media Apps” section and I got the following page showing the Start Now button.


5. Click Get Started Now on the app page. If you haven’t created a free account with them before, you will get a pop-up asking you to do so.

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6. Create an account and log in to Spoon. Then click Start Now again and a small “Cache” box will pop up at the bottom right of your screen indicating the app is starting.

Vlcmediaplayer starts

In the case of VLC Media Player, once the buffer generation is complete, it will show a small box “Build Font Cache” like the one you see below.

Build fontcache

Finally, there is a new browser window showing VLC Media Player. It seems to have all the features that the regular VLC Media Player installed on my PC has.

Vlcmediaplayer on the browser

Vlcmediaplayer via spoon

I decided to give it a try and played a few videos. The videos play well. In the screenshot below, you can see it playing an Akon music video.

Vlcmediaplayer run from browser

That’s how you install the Spoon plugin and start it up.

I think this can be an extremely useful tool, especially for people like me who test dozens of tools and programs every day. The only problem is that I will have to rely on their application directory as currently, one can only choose to run the application from there.

Tomorrow, you’ll see how one can use this tool to run different versions of Internet Explorer on the same PC, including the latest Internet Explorer 9 beta. Keep stable!

Categories: How to

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