How to Remove Your Profile Picture on Facebook

If your profile picture on Facebook is old, you should delete or change it.

This is especially true if your profile picture is a photo of yourself.

On Facebook, removing your profile picture can be a challenge.

This is because there is no “delete” or “delete” option that you can use.

If you want to delete your profile picture on Facebook, you’ll have to use another method.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to delete your profile picture on Facebook.

You can use both the desktop and mobile versions of Facebook for this.

  • How to delete your profile picture on Facebook
  • How do you not have a profile picture on Facebook?
  • How to remove your profile picture from Facebook without deleting it?

How to delete your profile picture on Facebook

To delete your profile picture on Facebook, first navigate to your Facebook profile.

Once you’re on your profile, look at your profile picture, tap the three dots, and tap “Delete Photo.”

After you tap “Delete Photo”, your profile picture will be deleted.

Your profile picture will then be set to Facebook’s default profile picture.

The default Facebook profile picture is a white silhouette of a person with a blue background.

If you don’t want your profile picture to be a silhouette, you can change it by tapping “choose profile photo or video”.

On the other hand, if you agree with the silhouette as your profile picture, then you don’t have to do anything else.

Here are instructions on how you can delete your profile picture on Facebook (with screenshot).

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1. Navigate to your Facebook profile

Open Facebook > tap the menu on the bottom navigation bar > tap “View your profile”.

To get started, open the Facebook mobile app.

You can also use Facebook on desktop for this.

However, the screenshots in this tutorial were taken on the Facebook mobile app.

Therefore, the user interface will be a little different.

When you’re using the Facebook mobile app, you’ll access your news feed.

On the bottom navigation bar, you will see a menu icon.

Tap the menu icon to go to the Facebook menu.

On the menu, you will see many options that you can navigate to.

Just below the menu title, you’ll see your Facebook name and profile picture.

At the end of your name, you’ll see the phrase “View your profile”.

Tap “View your profile” to access your Facebook profile.

2. View your profile picture

Tap your profile picture > tap “View Profile Picture”.

After tapping on “View your profile”, you will go to your Facebook profile.

On your Facebook profile, you’ll see your Facebook profile picture and name.

You’ll also see your cover photo.

Since you are trying to delete your profile picture, you need to tap on your profile picture.

Tap your profile picture to open the navigation menu.

Make sure you tap your profile picture and not the camera icon.

This is because tapping the camera icon doesn’t allow you to see your profile picture.

Once you’ve tapped your profile picture, a navigation menu will open with four options.

The four options are “View profile picture”, “Select profile photo or video”, “Add frame” and “Create profile picture”.

Tap “View Profile Picture” to see your profile picture on Facebook.

3. Delete your profile picture

Tap the three dots on the top navigation bar.

You may have noticed that there is no delete option in the previous step.

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This is because there is no direct “delete” or “delete” option on the navigation menu.

Instead, you’ll have to remove your profile picture as a post.

After tapping on “View Profile Picture”, you will be able to see a full-size image of your profile picture.

At the top, you’ll see a card icon, a location icon, and three dots.

Tap the three dots at the top of your profile picture.

Tap “Delete Photo” to delete your profile picture on Facebook.

After you tap the three dots, a navigation menu opens.

On the navigation menu, you will see several options.

Options include “Delete Photo”, “Create Cover”, “Save Image” and “More”.

When you’re looking to delete your profile picture, tap “Delete Photo.”

After you tap “Delete Photo”, the photo will be deleted.

In other words, your profile picture will be deleted.

If you want to change your profile picture, you need to tap on your profile picture again and tap on “Select profile photo or video”.

On the other hand, if you just want to delete your profile picture, then you don’t need to do anything else.

You have successfully deleted your profile picture on Facebook!

How do you not have a profile picture on Facebook?

To not have a profile picture on Facebook, you need to delete your current profile picture.

Once you’ve deleted your current profile picture, you won’t have any.

To do so, navigate to your profile > tap your profile picture > tap “View Profile Picture” > tap the three dots > tap “Delete Photo”.

Your profile picture will then automatically be set to the default Facebook profile picture, which is a white silhouette of a person with a blue background.

How to remove your profile picture from Facebook without deleting it?

To remove your profile picture from Facebook without deleting it, you need to set it to “Only Me”.

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To do so, navigate to your profile > tap your profile picture > View profile picture > tap the three dots > Edit Privacy/Edit Audience > Only Me.

Once you’ve changed your profile picture privacy setting to “Only me”, only you can see your profile picture.

In other words, your Facebook friends and non-friends won’t be able to see your profile picture.


Having an old or outdated profile picture is bad for many reasons.

First, if you set your profile picture to be taken years ago, your friends may not recognize you on Facebook.

Second, people will have a hard time finding you on Facebook.

In addition, it shows that you are no longer active on the platform.

Ideally, you should change your profile picture once a year.

If your profile picture hasn’t changed in several years, it’s time to change it.

Alternatively, you can delete your current profile picture if you don’t have any of your recent photos using the instructions above.

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Categories: Social Media

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