How to Record Exact Frame Rate, or FPS, for Android Games

On our YouTube channel, we review a lot of new Android devices, and two of the feature reviews we do on any new smartphone are the Games and Camera reviews. While showing the camera performance to the viewer is fairly easy, I ran into some problems when evaluating the game. Very few devices have some slight lag, which is difficult to capture through the lens. So to solve the problem I started looking for a tool that can calculate the exact FPS (Frames Per Second) for the game to measure the performance of the game and have some data for the viewers of the game. we.

Fps for playing Android games

However, to my surprise, there aren’t many apps available on the Play Store that you can use to calculate the exact FPS for an Android game. There are only a few that come close to what I’m looking for and of those only a few are offered. So today, I’m going to talk about this app and show you how you can use it to calculate the FPS performance of any game on your Android, just in case you want to check it out. Check your phone’s performance.

Note: For clarity, in this post we will be talking about individual FPS for an individual game, not cumulative benchmarks

Record FPS of Android games

Step 1: Download and install GameBench on Android for which you want to record FPS. The apps are free to install and you don’t need root access for the app to work. However, the first time the application runs, some ADB permissions need to be granted which we will see in the next step. Before that, you will have to grant usage access to the app.

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Step 2: Turn on Developer Options on your phone by tapping Software version in the settings menu About page. Then, in the Settings menu, turn on Search and detect errors via USB from Developer Options and connect your phone to the computer.

Step 3: On your computer now, open the GameBench website to download the PC setup. The application requires Java, which can be downloaded for Windows using this link. For other platforms like Mac OS X or Linux, click here.

Step 4: Now, you just need to run the application on Android and then on the computer and wait for it to execute the ADB commands. You may get a pop-up on your device asking you to allow USB Debugging. If you don’t want to install JAVA and the application, you can also manually execute the following ADB command to grant the application permission.

adb shell/data/local/temp/gbhelperdaemon &Service has startedBe warned:

Step 5: Now unplug the phone from the computer and add the games to it GameBench – Dashboard. You will have to tap the plus icon and then add some games that you need to check out. Games will be added to the test console and will have a play button next to it.

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Now all you need to do is launch the game from GameBench where you need to check FPS and battery performance and play it for a while. GameBench will start recording performance in the background and as soon as you exit the app, the data will be collected.

As soon as you finish playing the game, you can tap the graph to see the game’s performance (FPS) and battery usage. You can also check CPU, RAM and GPU resources used. If you tap on FPS, you can see the Frame Rate throughout the game as well as the average stats. Graphs of CPU and GPU usage are also present in the next tab and almost all the metrics you need for on-device game performance are present and taken into account.

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inside Extended features, you can also choose to get Real-time Frame Rate while playing the game. Some feature limitations along with time limits are applied to the free account, which you can remove by purchasing the pro version from the official website.

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So that’s how you can monitor the performance of your Android game on your device with FPS, CPU and GPU usage. You also get battery performance readings, but the data is inconsistent in my opinion to make decisions. Everything else is noticed. So give the app a try and let me know what you think about it.

ALSO READ: Top 5 graphic-intensive FPS games for Android in 2016

Categories: How to

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